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March 2025

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Latest Politics

Asshole of the Month: Joni Ernst

In the fourth grueling year of Trump’s reign, many Republicans have finally come around to admitting that the man is an idiot and jackass unfit for office. Jeff Flake, Ann Coulter, John Bolton, George Conway and two groups— the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump—among others, have made the case recently. But some diehards...

Trump Is a Voter Fraud Criminal

The President, who describes absentee voting as “FRAUDULENT,” would certainly know. What is it about Republicans, Palm Beach and voter fraud? Pretending that there’s systemic voter fraud by Democrats, the Republican Party has gone all out to buttress voting restrictions that actually suppress perfectly lawful—not to mention predominantly Democratic-leaning—voters. I’ve reported on this con for...

Money From Nothing

The federal government’s financial response to the coronavirus proves that “debt and deficit” was always an excuse. For years politicians, pundits and the media told us America was broke. We can’t ensure healthcare to every American as a right, not a privilege. Too expensive! Who do you think we are—every other civilized nation on Earth?...

Asshole of the Month: Rand Paul

Libertarians are a strange lot. If you were to bioengineer a hybrid creature, half elephant and half donkey, that would be the perfect mascot for a true libertarian: about half conservative and half liberal. You might find yourself agreeing with them on a lot of things, but then they do something absolutely batshit crazy. The...

Asshole of the Month: Brian Kemp

The rise of Donald Trump inspired a small army of conservative dimwits and grifters to follow in his footsteps. If such an ignorant buffoon could gain the highest office in the land, then any damn fool could run for higher office with a chance of winning. A prime example is the current Republican governor of...

“A Cancer on the DOJ”

Once the coronavirus and Trump administration have passed, the disease infecting the Justice Department will still linger. When this nightmare ends, and it will, there is going to be a lot to restore beyond the death and economic devastation. Cleanup of the Trump Administration’s American carnage should begin with the rotting core of what was...

Apple’s Noble Fight

The telecom company is resisting demands to make its cell phones accessible to government agencies. Let’s give it up for Apple! It’s not easy to commend a hugely profitable company for simply doing what’s right for its customers and bottom line, but the tech giant is doing something much more praiseworthy. With CEO Tim Cook...

Beware the Ratfuckers

As the presidential race hit the starting gate, were GOP dirty-tricksters behind the caucus-night meltdown in Iowa? The initial nominating contest of the critical 2020 Presidential election—America’s last firewall against full-on authoritarianism—began disastrously for Democrats in Iowa. The voting itself went well enough, but the reporting of publicly witnessed precinct results from some 1,700 caucus...

Asshole of the Month: Virginia Thomas

Some of the most influential movers and shakers in politics are not household names. They don’t hold public office, host a talk show or donate millions to candidate campaigns; they operate more or less in the shadows. This profile fits one of D.C.’s most powerful divas, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the big, bad blond wife of...

Asshole of the Month: Marsha Blackburn

The United States Congress is home to some of the most intelligent, educated, principled public servants in the nation, and also some of the dumbest, most ignorant, dishonest twits on the whole planet. In the former category, members of both parties are to be found, although differing on policies, philosophy and solutions to the country’s...

Assassin Nation

Trump pulls the trigger on war crimes after a decades-long ban on U.S.-sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders. For the past three years the Trump Administration has rolled back or plowed over decades of federal rules, regulations and statutes. On January 3, 2020—when the President ordered a drone strike on a top Iranian general near Baghdad’s...

Global Inequality Worsens

A human rights organization says the world’s billionaires should pony up to alleviate the vast wealth gap. A million bucks or a billion, what’s the difference? World domination! Most of us still think that having a million dollars makes a person very wealthy, but of course the reality is that’s just chump change for some...

Asshole of the Month: Mike Pompeo

The swamp in Washington, D.C., teems with as many Assholes as there are rats in the sewers, but few piss us off more than the slimy warmonger acting as current secretary of state, Mike Pompeo. That Trump appointed this berserker—along with superhawk John Bolton— after promising to wind down our disastrous, costly “War on Terror”...

Let Prisoners Vote

It’s time to end yet another discriminatory stain still lingering from the Civil War. The Republican Party’s War on Voting is on track for appalling new heights (actually depths) in 2020. But the offensive is finally being answered in some jurisdictions. Voting rights advocates have won several key battles of late on behalf of a...

China Outsmarts Trump

The President believed he could dictate trade terms with the Communist nation, but he underestimated its economic clout. Like it or not, the People’s Republic of China will soon have the world’s leading economy, and there isn’t much that any American President, even the dangerously bombastic Donald Trump, can do about it. Or should. During...

Asshole of the Month: John Neely Kennedy

The U.S. Senate gained a new clown in 2016: John Neely Kennedy from Louisiana, who is definitely not related to the Kennedys from Massachusetts, although the bayou boy has exploited the confusion at times. Back when he was a Democrat, his campaign sent out a flyer to predominantly black neighborhoods with this misleading headline: “John...

Lev & Igor’s Influential Misadventure

How a Pair of Mysteriously Funded GOP Hustlers Purchased U.S. Foreign Policy…and How You Can Too! If you’ve been following America’s political nightmare even cursorily, you’ve likely stumbled across the names Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. Few had heard of either of these Soviet-born naturalized U.S. citizens until October 2019, when they were nabbed by...

Torture on the Silver Screen

A New Movie Chronicles a Senate Committee Probe Into the CIA’s Barbaric Interrogation of Suspected Terrorists.  Finally Hollywood has offered a devastatingly honest film about the Central Intelligence Agency’s systemic use of torture following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Based on a lengthy investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, The Report...

About Her Emails

How Donald Trump and the media played you for fools…and still do. “This is bigger than Watergate!” 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised. “We have only seen the tip of the iceberg!” he warned. “She should be in prison!” he bellowed, targeting his opponent Hillary Clinton. “She shouldn’t be allowed to run!” he railed again...

The Endless Insanity of War

Syria is yet another country where an active U.S. military presence violates our constitution. Sending troops to war, to be killed and kill others, ought to be a big deal. That’s why the framers of the U.S. Constitution stipulated that while the President is the commander in chief, America’s armed forces could not be deployed...
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