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August 2024

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Latest Politics

Asshole of the Month: Steve Bannon

Desperate to make his clownish Presidential bid credible, Donald Trump hired a new CEO for the campaign last summer: Steve Bannon, who took a leave of absence from his post as chief of Breitbart News. It’s just as well, since Breitbart was already acting as Trump’s number-one mouthpiece in the media—Trump Pravda or Trumpbart, as...

Asshole of the Month: Pam Bondi

A fresh, new cheerleader has taken center stage on the Donald Trump bandwagon—current Attorney General of Florida and former Fox News legal analyst Pam Bondi. Bondi fleshes out the GOP Blonde Squad, that bevy of attractive gold ilocks girls trying to put a hap py face on The Donald’s deep-seated misogyny and bigotry. We don’t...

Asshole of the Month: Kellyanne Conway

Donald Trump’s brief political life has turned as chaotic as his private life: married three times and now on his third honeymoon with a new campaign manager replacing Paul Manafort (a bagman for every corrupt foreign junta in the world), who replaced Corey Lewandowski, the bushleaguer in charge when Trump’s vanity campaign took off against...

Asshole of the Month: Mike Pence

If by some dark twist of fate Donald Trump gains the White House, with all of his many contradictory statements and positions, how would he really run the country? Thanks to his pick for Vice President, we now know: Mike Pence, current governor of Indiana, would actually be in charge, while his nominal boss would...

Asshole of the Month: Paul Ryan

Ever since Paul Ryan was picked as Mitt Romney’s VP sidekick for their failed 2012 campaign, he’s been the standard-bearer for the GOP. Along with Mitch McConnell in the Senate, he has spearheaded the scorched-earth strategy of the past eight years—knee-jerk opposition to anything and everything Obama and the Democrats have proposed, however reasonable and...

Asshole of the Month: Curt Schilling

Baseball has a reputation as the American sport most beloved by conservatives, or at least by conservative pundits and blowhards. Why? Right-wing guru George Will once said, “It has no clock, no ties and no Liberal intrusions into the organized progression.” Daniel Foster from the National Review further explained: “It’s reliable, dependable, faithful, and I...

Asshole of the Month: Ted Cruz

For the diminishing percentage of Americans nostalgic for the good ol’ days, when rich white men exclusively ruled the roost, “godly” Puritans burned witches in Salem and greedy robber barons ran amok with no regulation by the “tyrannical” Federal government, there is one hero above all others: the radical-right senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. But...

Asshole of the Month: Dan Flynn

If you want to abolish something completely legal, but don’t have the political support to back you, there’s a sneaky workaround: Create a maze of absurd, costly regulations to render whatever you’re trying to abolish inaccessible or impossible to practice or own. That’s how marijuana and industrial hemp, for example, were effectively “outlawed” by the...

Asshole of the Month: Rick Snyder

Life has been tough for Michigan Governor Rick Snyder this year. His approval rating has tanked, and he has been constantly heckled by irate citizens everywhere he goes. Dining out in an Ann Arbor restaurant with his family back in January, he was nearly run out on a rail. If tarring and feathering were still...

Asshole of the Month: Jim Jordan

Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio may be the most extreme, far-right legislator in all of Congress, earning a perfect score from the American Conservative Union. What did he have to do to earn this dubious honor? First, he corraled 78 freshmen radicals into a posse called the Republican Study Committee andwent headhunting for heretics who...
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