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February 2025

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Latest Politics

Asshole of the Month: Devin Nunes

Back when the Cold War was really hot, the West was rocked with the biggest spy scandal of all time: the infamous Cambridge Five brouhaha. No less than five top honchos in MI6 (the Brits’ CIA) turned out to be Soviet double agents who had fed the Kremlin sensitive intelligence secrets for decades. Kim Philby...

Asshole of the Month: Jason Chaffetz

It’s ironic that Utah’s Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz owes his seat to an insurrection at town hall meetings back in 2008, when he defeated six-term incumbent Republican Chris Cannon in the primaries. An angry grassroots wave swept Chaffetz in, and soon it may be another angry wave that sweeps him out: the majority who gave...

Asshole of the Month: Sean Spicer

Like faithful dogs, most press secretaries come to resemble their master’s style and personality. Ron Ziegler was as oily and defensive as Richard Nixon. Joseph Goebbels aped Hitler’s frantic, melodramatic harangues. And now we have Donald Trump’s mouthpiece, Sean Spicer, channeling his chief’s raw-skinned bluster and aggressive ignorance before the cameras. He even looks a...

Asshole of the Month: Betsy DeVos

Donald Trump has astounded us with his rogues’ gallery of cabinet appointments. The main qualifications seem to be, one, they should be generally ignorant of the field they will be supervising and, two, they must be filthy rich. Explaining the latter, Trump said, “I want people that made a fortune because now they’re negotiating with...

Asshole of the Month: Michael Flynn

A lot of people who voted for Trump expected a revolution against the whole corrupt, pay-to-play cesspool in Washington, D.C. “Drain the swamp!” he bellowed to the roar of his loving crowds. He funded his own campaign! they swooned. So he’s not owned by Wall Street, the military-industrial complex or the rest of the corporatocracy...

Asshole of the Month: James Comey

Poor James Comey—the FBI director was hated first by the Republicans, then the Democrats and now by much of the country after his spectacular intervention in the final weeks of the election shocked the world and helped an ignorant buffoon ascend to the highest office in our land. Last July Comey declined to file criminal...

Asshole of the Month: Steve Bannon

Desperate to make his clownish Presidential bid credible, Donald Trump hired a new CEO for the campaign last summer: Steve Bannon, who took a leave of absence from his post as chief of Breitbart News. It’s just as well, since Breitbart was already acting as Trump’s number-one mouthpiece in the media—Trump Pravda or Trumpbart, as...

Asshole of the Month: Pam Bondi

A fresh, new cheerleader has taken center stage on the Donald Trump bandwagon—current Attorney General of Florida and former Fox News legal analyst Pam Bondi. Bondi fleshes out the GOP Blonde Squad, that bevy of attractive gold ilocks girls trying to put a hap py face on The Donald’s deep-seated misogyny and bigotry. We don’t...

Asshole of the Month: Kellyanne Conway

Donald Trump’s brief political life has turned as chaotic as his private life: married three times and now on his third honeymoon with a new campaign manager replacing Paul Manafort (a bagman for every corrupt foreign junta in the world), who replaced Corey Lewandowski, the bushleaguer in charge when Trump’s vanity campaign took off against...

Asshole of the Month: Mike Pence

If by some dark twist of fate Donald Trump gains the White House, with all of his many contradictory statements and positions, how would he really run the country? Thanks to his pick for Vice President, we now know: Mike Pence, current governor of Indiana, would actually be in charge, while his nominal boss would...
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