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January 2025

Cover Honey Addis Fouche
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The Big Fix

“This whole election is being rigged,” Republican candidate Donald Trump warned supporters before Election Day. “The whole thing is one big fix.” Even after being declared the winner, despite losing the national popular vote by a record 2.9 million votes, Trump claimed that “millions” of illegal ballots had been cast. But when America was given...

Right-Wing Radicals in Robes

Activist GOP Justices on the Supreme Court are ignoring the constitution and demolishing American democracy. Look. This is simple. The 15th Amendment, ensuring former slaves the right to vote following the Civil War, is only two sentences long. “Section 1: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Predictable Demise

The only “conspiracy” involves public officials who don’t give a damn about our country’s inmate suicide epidemic. After convicted pedophile and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein reportedly took his own life at a federal detention facility in New York City, a million conspiracy theories were born. Receiving the most attention was the one advanced by...

Jim Crow Is Back!

In 2006 the U.S. House of Representatives’ Republican majority worked with Democrats to hold dozens of exhaustive hearings on whether to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). “There was a lot of invidious discrimination shown,” recalled then- House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin). Ultimately, the House (with 33 nays) and a unanimous...

Time for Dems to “Fight Dirty”

The Republican Party is a machine that runs on big ideas. They are terrible, dangerous, racist, heartless and usually self-destructive ideas, but they are big ones. It’s time for Democrats to learn a valuable lesson from their political adversaries. Many progressive candidates have finally found the courage to embrace wildly popular ideas like Medicare for...

Hitler Happens

Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. Not yet, anyway. Hopefully Americans are collectively smart enough not to ultimately fall for his divisive message of hate. But enough Republicans have fallen for it that we ought to ask ourselves, How can so many in a major political party be drawn to someone so dangerously lacking in...

Every Voting System Hacked

There’s a reason why I’ve been ranting about the insecurity of computerized voting and tabulation for nearly 15 years: Every single system in all 50 states can be hacked and results manipulated, with little or no possibility of detection. And it doesn’t take a foreign power like Russia to do it. DEF CON, an annual...

“A Cancer on the DOJ”

Once the coronavirus and Trump administration have passed, the disease infecting the Justice Department will still linger. When this nightmare ends, and it will, there is going to be a lot to restore beyond the death and economic devastation. Cleanup of the Trump Administration’s American carnage should begin with the rotting core of what was...

End of the (Pipe)line

While the corporate media and much of the country were obsessed with the threat posed by Donald Trump’s Presidential candidacy, the Lakota and Dakota Sioux nations had another concern. Their people gathered en masse near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation to protest a more immediate threat: Energy Transfer Partners’ $3.7-billion, 1,200- mile Dakota Access Pipeline,...

High Court Guts First Amendment

The Supreme Court’s ruling on partisan gerrymandering is a direct assault on voters’ free speech. For more than 45 years HUSTLER has stood unapologetically for First Amendment rights, as underscored by the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1988 ruling in HUSTLER Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell. So it must not go unnoticed here that the Court’s stolen...

Dark Money Is Now Darker

Transparency dies in the murky water of the swamp. Does anybody in the world think there’s too much transparency in American politics? That there isn’t enough secrecy in our electoral system? That millionaires, billionaires and corporations should be able to make it even more difficult for the public to know about their campaign spending? Apparently...

Watergate Pales in Comparison

I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America!” Representative Al Green (D-Texas) was a lonely voice on the floor of the U.S. House on May 17 as he demanded accountability for obstruction of justice by Donald Trump. Green accused the President of acting “above...

GOP Power Grab

The Republican Party likes to pretend it favors “free market” competition and opposes “big government” regulations and fees that keep private businesses from thriving. Those Republicans, however, are lying. They are more than happy to put government’s thumb on the scale to crush competition from businesses that threaten the bottom line of their biggest campaign...

The U.S. Is Going to Pot

…And there’s nothing Donald Trump or Jeff Sessions can do about it. A recent national poll funded by Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a leading antilegalization group, found that just 16% of the respondents wanted current federal marijuana laws to remain unchanged. On the other hand, 83% of Americans polled agreed that cannabis should be legalized...

Hard Time for Private Prisons

Crime pays. At least it does for the private prison industry, which annually is allocated about 5 billion in taxpayer dollars and nets more than $600 million in profits. But those dollars are about to dry up. A scathing report from the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice has resulted in...

Our Criminal President

Donald Trump is a serial federal felon, and Russia has nothing to do with it. Give credit where it’s due: Donald Trump is the Greatest Con Man of All Time. Period. How else could one personally lose more than $1 billion over a decade—as recently revealed by The New York Times—and still manage to not only dupe the...

Hump-Day Special: Office Relations

Hey, it’s National Administrative Professionals Day, when we celebrate the secretaries, assistants and other support staff who keep the offices of the world running smoothly. Let’s honor the people who work under their bosses, providing their valuable services to make sure everything comes off satisfactorily, with a pictorial salute to subordinates and superiors coming together...

Supreme Chaos

The U.S. Supreme Court finished its 2015-2016 session with a number of positive surprises. Many were stunned to see liberal-leaning decisions concerning guns, abortion and race-conscious school admission policies. The Court even delivered a unanimous—yes, unanimous!—ruling on a definition for bribery of public officials. Those judgments certainly weren’t expected— not with an empty seat on...

The Cowardly Liar

When Donald Trump revealed his intention to prevent “transgender individuals” from “serv[ing] in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” he lied about having consulted with his “generals and military experts.” He hadn’t. Pentagon officials were as stunned as the rest of the nation by the President’s Twitter announcement. But Trump is a wildly successful liar,...

A Green New Deal

The Green New Deal (GND) must be a great idea. How do I know? Just listen to wing nuts on the Right, like Sean Hannity of Fox News. He freaked out about the plan for millions of new jobs and clean, renewable sources of energy, which—with a straight face—he labeled a “serious threat to our...

Karl Rove’s FECA Matter

Enjoying all of those endless, anonymously paid for, bullshit political campaign ads this season? You can thank Karl Rove for them. He thinks they’re fucking hilarious. You are his chew toy while he’s taking a dump all over your “democracy.” You may have known that for a while, but did I mention it’s way worse...

Democracy Strikes Back

Well, it wasn’t a blue wave after all. It was, in fact, a blue tsunami last November, although you could be forgiven if you didn’t notice. Some key 2018 midterm election results were initially misreported by many in the corporate media, chomping at the bit to propagate a false narrative of Democratic Party failure. Take...

2 1/2 Minutes to Midnight

Just two days before climate-change denier Donald Trump was sworn in as President, the World Meteorological Organization announced that 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded on planet Earth. The milestone shattered the previous high, set in 2015, which had supplanted 2014’s record-breaking temperature. It doesn’t take a climate scientist to notice a disturbing pattern:...

The End of the World as We Know it

Do You Feel Fine? What would you do if a doctor told you that you were almost certain to die from cancer unless it was treated immediately? Some might, reasonably, seek a second opinion. If the next doctor said that the first diagnosis was correct and that you could likely have a long and healthy...

Exxon’s Big Secret

Every 2016 Republican Presidential candidate is a climate-change denier or skeptic. Apparently, for them, it’s easier to ignore evidence of the greatest threat facing humanity than it is to run for the highest office in the land without funding from the ruthless profiteers jeopardizing the future of our planet. The GOP clown car climate claptrap...

It’s Worse Than You Think

Fighting for Donald J. Trump’s removal from office (with life imprisonment as a well-deserved parting gift) remains a worthy goal. In the meantime an equally important objective is restoring a Democratic majority to the U.S. House of Representatives and/or Senate in November. While our incompetent President sucks up the nation’s attention and patience each day,...

Brainwashing America

Hillary Clinton first warned us about a “vast right-wing conspiracy” during the Presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton. So did Larry Flynt. For decades the Right has spent (and made) billions creating its own media, think tanks and universities, as well as its own reality and facts. More insidiously, rightwingers have also bought up our...

“This Case Is Everything”

The future of our representative system of government is now at the mercy of the U.S. Supreme Court’s stolen conservative majority. The Court will soon have the opportunity to make a ruling that could help determine which political party controls Congress and state legislatures for decades. According to The New York Times, the outcome of...

Indict Him!

If Donald Trump is lucky—and he usually is—he will only be impeached. He deserves far worse: to be prosecuted as a criminal and sent to prison. If anybody else did what we now know Trump did, he or she would almost certainly face felony charges and the prospect of years in a federal penitentiary. But,...

Money From Nothing

The federal government’s financial response to the coronavirus proves that “debt and deficit” was always an excuse. For years politicians, pundits and the media told us America was broke. We can’t ensure healthcare to every American as a right, not a privilege. Too expensive! Who do you think we are—every other civilized nation on Earth?...


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