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March 2025

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Latest Politics

Asshole of the Month: Robert Jeffress

Psychologists and mental health professionals have long recognized the role of friends, spouses and relatives in enabling people troubled by alcohol and drug addiction, domestic violence and other bad behavior—they’re called codependents. After four years of Donald Trump, the most incompetent, dishonest buffoon to ever occupy the White House, we have to recognize a new...

Asshole of the Month: Mitch McConnell

The USA is 244 years old now. In that long history there have been periods of relative cooperation and mutual respect between the various opposing parties—and periods of cutthroat competition and gridlock, the worst being the bloody Civil War. For the past 15 years or so, we’ve been in one of the cutthroat periods, getting...

Asshole of the Month: Kevin McCarthy

California is mostly a liberal, blue state, dotted with a few pockets of deep-red conservatism. One of them is the San Joaquin Valley, dubbed “way west Texas” for its rightwing politics. The district includes Bakersfield, known for its dominant oil industry and god-awful air quality, ranking third worst in the country for yearly particle pollution....

Asshole of the Month: Kanye West

Repeated failure can drive a person mad, but an excess of success can do the same. Soar too far above the humble crowd, and you risk losing touch with reality. Sadly, such is the case with Kanye West as, over this past year, he’s morphed into a crazed, gungho supporter of Donald Trump. For those...

Asshole of the Month: Rudy Giuliani

As Trump continues to sink deeper into the shithole that Mueller has been digging for him, he’s called upon an old pal from New York to toss him a rope: Rudy Giuliani, who, since becoming Trump’s No. 1 legal eagle, has made a total ass of himself with a series of jaw-dropping gaffes, blunders and...

Asshole of the Month: Neil Gorsuch

For Americans who believe in the core principles of our democracy—truth, justice and equality for all, regardless of race, gender or creed—these are dark days indeed. Conservative greedheads representing our bloated oligarchy have taken over the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future, thanks to Mitch McConnell and his band of take-no-prisoners assholes in the Senate....

Asshole of the Month: Nikki Haley

Amateur hour is in full swing at the Trump White House. Reflecting his own dearth of experience in politics and government, the Donald loves to appoint complete rookies and incompetents to positions of power. From Sean Spicer and Anthony Scaramucci to Steve Bannon and Rex Tillerson, it’s been an embarrassing parade of fools and freaks...

Asshole of the Month: Michael Cohen

If all of Robert Mueller’s digging and indictments haven’t done much to budge our Blowhard in Chief from his prime-time spot in the White House, the raid of Trump’s legal-eagle fixer, Michael Cohen, has to have him sweating bullets. The worst disaster for any don or mogul on the shady side of the law is...

Asshole of the Month: John Bolton

We almost feel sorry for Trump supporters, having to swallow one betrayal and flip-flop after another from their “populist” hero. It’s like they’re in a rancid-hotdog-eating contest, loyally gulping those stinking wieners down. They want to stop, but they just can’t. Admitting you bet the farm on the wrong horse is a painful realization. The...

Asshole of the Month: Wayne LaPierre

Like dogs, there are many different breeds of Assholes in the world: your garden-variety barkers, mangy kleptocrats and, worst of all, rabid pit bulls. Wayne LaPierre, longtime CEO of America’s most powerful nonprofit organization, the National Rifle Association, is the latter breed of Asshole. Gun owners, before you get your camo panties in a wad...
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