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March 2025

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Latest Politics

Asshole of The Month: Greg Abbott

Republican governors now control a majority of U.S. states, 27, meaning there is stiff competition for most backward Asshole governor in the nation. Leading the pack, along with Ron DeSantis of Florida and a few others, is the cretinous caudillo of our most populous red state, Greg Abbott of Texas, who proves the old adage...

Asshole of the Month: Bill Cosby

The rise, fall and now supposed redemption of Bill Cosby—he was released from prison in late June after serving three years for sexual assault—is a complex story about the evolving emancipation of two defining identities in American culture: race and gender. For unfamiliar Millennials and the generations beyond, and boomers with bad memories…Bill Cosby was...

Asshole of the Month: Ron DeSantis

Leave it to Florida—home of the “Florida Man” meme and just about every freakish perversion known to humankind—to elect a governor truly representative of the state: the wild, woolly-brained wingnut Ron DeSantis. You would expect a man who graduated from both Yale and Harvard Law School to be more reasonable and better informed than the...

Asshole of the Month: Elise Stefanik

Now that we’ve been spared Donald Trump’s daily dose of illiterate bullshit for months—Twitter and Facebook have continued his suspension indefinitely—a lot of people think the nightmare is fully over. Not quite so fast. Like a resurrecting monster in a horror movie, Trump is clawing out of his electoral grave and terrorizing the nation with...

Asshole of the Month: Matt Gaetz

The state of Florida is famous for many things, but perhaps none so much as the “Florida man” meme: a chronic freak show of bizarre behavior unrivaled by any other place in the U.S. or even the world. It seems every week Florida headlines report insane news: a homeless man attacked by a face-eating cannibal;...

Asshole of the Month: Josh Hawley

Some people born with all the stars aligned for a successful life nevertheless manage to fuck things up with a few horrible decisions; they bet the whole farm on the wrong horse or hitch their wagon to a leader who turns out to be a false prophet. Then their soaring ambition flames out like a...

Asshole of the Month: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Over the years, Asshole of the Month has featured a bounteous parade of blithering idiots, con men, habitual liars and hypocrites, the vast majority of them either Republican politicians or right-wing pundits and players. So we’ve grown a little complacent, thinking we’ve pretty much seen it all—and then along comes a new Asshole so outrageously...

Asshole of the Month: Lin Wood

Many people assume that highly educated professionals—medical doctors, lawyers, professors, scientists—are a sane, rational lot, untroubled by the crackpot ideas that afflict more ignorant folk. They couldn’t have plowed through all those difficult lessons and lectures in college with a screw loose, right? That’s way wrong. We’ve got mad scientists, quack doctors and lawyers who’d...

Asshole of the Month: Steven Crowder

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, we can celebrate a lot of progress over bad old habits of the past: It wasn’t so long ago that men were free to sexually harass women in the workplace and get away with it scot-free (Harvey Weinstein). Gay marriage is now widely acceptable, and...

Asshole of the Month: Sidney Powell

As Trump hunkered down in his bunker weeks after the November 3 election—as delusional as Adolf in his bunker, moving shadow Nazi armies around on a spittle-flecked map—the President relied on a few legal henchmen to rescue him from certain defeat. Many Republican leaders had already informed him it was over and advised him to...
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