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April 2024

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Latest Politics

To Hell With the Money Changers!

Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin hate Pope Francis, and that’s all the recommendation you need that he may be blessed with divine wisdom. Hallelujah and about time for a break between those who affirm the sanctity of human life in the spirit of Jesus and the charlatans of the Christian Right who believe only in...

Asshole of the Month: Larry Klayman

Even the most pathetic little turd can have a big dream once in a while. Right-wing attorney Larry Klayman’s latest stillborn fantasy was to lead a Tea Party lynch mob of millions to Washington, D.C., and spark the “Second American Revolution.” That’s code for “drag the black man out of the White House.” Less than...

Obama’s Iron Fist

On first taking possession of the Oval Office, Barack Obama appeared to be restoring basic Constitutional rights annulled by the Bush-Cheney regime. The President pledged to soon close the detention facility at Guantanamo, where alleged terrorists were sent to be held indefinitely outside American rule of law. And with a special dramatic tribute to our...

Flash of Patriotism On Capitol Hill

Sometimes Republicans get it right, usually after first being terribly wrong. But when sanity does prevail, we should be thankful all the same. That’s why Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican and former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is that rare right-winger I want to commend. True, he screwed up a decade ago in...

Asshole of the Month: Elisabeth Hasselbeck

The list of people repulsive enough to get named Asshole of the Month three times is pretty fucking exclusive. So let’s give the newest member of this pantheon of shame—virulent media terrorist Elisabeth Hasselbeck—a congratulatory extra dollop on her crap sandwich. The rectal floozy who recently migrated like a shit-seeking fly to Fox News’ Fox...


On the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, I remembered being near Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial. What I didn’t know then I learned in September 2013: Declassified documents revealed that during the 1960s the National Security...

Big Brother’s in Your Pocket

Your smartphone is your enemy. Yes, that cute little sidekick you carry around is a vicious snitch that does more than monitor your every movement and purchase. The handy device continuously reports back to a vast government-controlled computer network that can swoop down to punish you for any behavior disapproved of by omnipresent Big Brother....

Asshole of the Month: Mike Lee

Imagine if you called a plumber in to fix your bathroom and all he did was whack off into your sink all day. You might want to say to him, “I’m glad to see you’re passionate about your work, but how the hell is this fixing a goddamn thing?!” That’s what Tea Party voters are...

ACLU Thought Police?

I have long expressed admiration for the American Civil Liberties Union for ardently defending the Constitution in our legislatures and courts, including the Supreme Court. Since September 2001 the ACLU has had a much tougher task thanks to the Bush-Cheney and Obama administrations. At times, however, I have strongly disagreed with ACLU Executive Director Anthony...

Just Blow the Right Whistle

Americans love to be lied to; otherwise Edward Snowden would be a wildly popular national hero. Same for Bradley Manning, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange and others who risk their freedom to inform us about the myriad ways we are continually deceived by our government. These whistleblowers are performing a public service. They’re democracy’s lifeblood, nourishing...

Asshole of the Month: Steve King

We can hammer away day and night at the Republican Party, but let’s be honest. Nobody can do as much damage as its own members. Like demented earthworms writhing in a Mid western manure pile, they seem obsessed with screwing themselves as often and as brainlessly as possible. For that reason, this month’s Asshole is...

Teach Jazz!

A well-intentioned George W. Bush mistakenly championed the No Child Left Behind Act. Teachers throughout the nation had to spend a lot of time preparing students for standardized tests in reading and math. These determined not only if students could be promoted but also which teachers could keep their jobs. Much to my dismay, classes...

Who’s the Traitor?

Thanks to the patriotic courage of Edward Snowden and the once-secret documents he leaked to the media, we now know in frightening detail the danger posed to our freedom by the new information-age technology combined with the hysteria of the post-9/11 surveillance state. If I communicate the rough draft of these thoughts that I am...

Topple the King

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Since becoming America’s 44th President, Barack Obama has repeatedly scorned that sacred oath. Our Founding Fathers risked their very lives...

The Colossal Suckout

Here’s how it works: In America the so-called free market is a joke. What you have is a bunch of big-money types making out like bandits, hustling the government to cover their bad bets while the suckers they swindle with impunity are forced to go broke. Call it Crony Capitalism or State Socialism. The labels...

Asshole of the Month: Reince Priebus

Let’s face it, the GOP is where charisma goes to die. Not in recent memory has the Republican Party been so overpopulated with smarmy, unelectable attention whores. So it makes sense that the super-pimp driving the clown car is Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. Sure, we could make fun of that sleaze-oozing name all...

Asshole of the Month: James Taranto

We could hurl our usual shit-related epithets at The Wall Street Journal’s hack columnist, but that would be letting him off too easy. Instead, we’ll take a shot at doing what James Taranto says Gabrielle Giffords can’t: write “900 publishable words.” Giffords, an ex-congresswoman from Arizona, was shot in the head by a rampage shooter...

Privacy R.I.P.

While the media and even Congress were outraged about the Obama Administration’s eavesdropping on the personal phone calls of Associated Press reporters and editors, I’m also outraged about We the People’s apathy. Most of us have become so conditioned to the government and corporations databasing our personal communications, I expect there will be little commotion...

Data Rape

Give me bargain or give me liberty. Do Americans love shopping more than they value their individual freedom, or is buying stuff the only freedom we cherish? Think about it. Why in the past decade have we squandered our legacy of privacy, the Constitutionally protected right to personal space, to be left alone with our...

Making Enemies

In the wake of the Boston bombings, a disturbing fact is being obscured: The FBI actually creates more terror plots than it cracks. You may not see it much on the news, but the FBI doesn’t only get involved in major terrorist events after they happen—in many cases it’s there at the very beginning. Government...
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