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March 2025

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Latest Politics

2 1/2 Minutes to Midnight

Just two days before climate-change denier Donald Trump was sworn in as President, the World Meteorological Organization announced that 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded on planet Earth. The milestone shattered the previous high, set in 2015, which had supplanted 2014’s record-breaking temperature. It doesn’t take a climate scientist to notice a disturbing pattern:...

Hope Springs Eternal

Scratching around for some rare good news concerning our bullyboy President, I’ve conjured up a couple of positive signs that may help you sleep better. The first concerns the ultimate horror of global annihilation. The Donald’s trembling finger on the nuclear-strike button could end, in less than an hour, most forms of recognizable life on...

Asshole of the Month: Kris Kobach

Times seem bleak for progressives right now, with the GOP triumphant in the House and Senate and a seriously unstable egomaniac running the whole show. But the Republicans know that this is really a one-off. Demographic trends spell a near-certain reversal of fortune and unavoidable Democratic dominance within the next decade. The country is becoming...

Checks & Balances

Like it or not, the hugely irritating figure of Donald Trump—yes, The Donald, that designed-to-disturb bully-boy creation of reality media gone wild—has been elected to be the most powerful individual in the world. For the next four years this cartoon character will have his finger on the button to launch a nuclear war that could...

The Big Fix

“This whole election is being rigged,” Republican candidate Donald Trump warned supporters before Election Day. “The whole thing is one big fix.” Even after being declared the winner, despite losing the national popular vote by a record 2.9 million votes, Trump claimed that “millions” of illegal ballots had been cast. But when America was given...

Asshole of the Month: Jared Kushner

The standard practice in every third-world banana republic is gross cronyism and nepotism. The big honcho in power stifles competition, ladling out monopoly contracts to his pals and hiring relatives for key government positions, guaranteeing obscene fortunes for his tribe at the expense of the general public. The whole nation is turned into a private...

Trump’s Big Con

And the winner is…Goldman Sachs! Fueled by outrage over the bankster-wrought economic misery exploited by Donald Trump’s faux populism, the 2016 Presidential election was nuttier than vaudeville. But it was business as usual on Wall Street the morning after. Even before moving into the White House, Trump revealed that Goldman may run the Treasury Department...

Breaking News

During the early years of the George W. Bush Administration, following the vast corporate press failure that helped lead our country into war, I spoke at an independent media conference in Northern California. I wasn’t sure how the audience would respond, but I proudly held up a copy of HUSTLER Magazine featuring my investigative report...

Asshole of the Month: Devin Nunes

Back when the Cold War was really hot, the West was rocked with the biggest spy scandal of all time: the infamous Cambridge Five brouhaha. No less than five top honchos in MI6 (the Brits’ CIA) turned out to be Soviet double agents who had fed the Kremlin sensitive intelligence secrets for decades. Kim Philby...

Asshole of the Month: Jason Chaffetz

It’s ironic that Utah’s Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz owes his seat to an insurrection at town hall meetings back in 2008, when he defeated six-term incumbent Republican Chris Cannon in the primaries. An angry grassroots wave swept Chaffetz in, and soon it may be another angry wave that sweeps him out: the majority who gave...

End of the (Pipe)line

While the corporate media and much of the country were obsessed with the threat posed by Donald Trump’s Presidential candidacy, the Lakota and Dakota Sioux nations had another concern. Their people gathered en masse near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation to protest a more immediate threat: Energy Transfer Partners’ $3.7-billion, 1,200- mile Dakota Access Pipeline,...

Working-Class Woes

How did this happen? As I absorb the once impossibly ludicrous spectacle of the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, I remain in a state of shock shared by the majority of Americans who rejected him at the polls only to be startled by the tally of the antiquated...

Asshole of the Month: Sean Spicer

Like faithful dogs, most press secretaries come to resemble their master’s style and personality. Ron Ziegler was as oily and defensive as Richard Nixon. Joseph Goebbels aped Hitler’s frantic, melodramatic harangues. And now we have Donald Trump’s mouthpiece, Sean Spicer, channeling his chief’s raw-skinned bluster and aggressive ignorance before the cameras. He even looks a...

DEA’s Reefer Madness

Legalized marijuana is a hit. The production, distribution and sale of medical marijuana is no longer prohibited in the majority of states, and even in those that have also legalized cannabis for recreational use, the worst fears of dead-ender opponents have gone up in smoke. Take Colorado, where voters approved legalizing recreational marijuana statewide in...

Kill the Death Penalty

Let’s put the Christ back in Christmas by recalling that he was put to death following a sham trial. This is a fact I pondered after interviewing a former death row inmate named Gary Tyler, who was released in April 2016 after spending more than 41 years in Louisiana’s Angola prison for a crime he...

Asshole of the Month: Betsy DeVos

Donald Trump has astounded us with his rogues’ gallery of cabinet appointments. The main qualifications seem to be, one, they should be generally ignorant of the field they will be supervising and, two, they must be filthy rich. Explaining the latter, Trump said, “I want people that made a fortune because now they’re negotiating with...

Hard Time for Private Prisons

Crime pays. At least it does for the private prison industry, which annually is allocated about 5 billion in taxpayer dollars and nets more than $600 million in profits. But those dollars are about to dry up. A scathing report from the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice has resulted in...

True Patriotism

It was spectacularly great news: Freedom had triumphed, and our flag was still there. Occasionally in a nation’s history, sanity abruptly intervenes when a few heroic figures save the day by finding the courage to do what is right. Such a rare moment occurred on May 31, 2015. A once-resistant U.S. Senate was compelled to...

Go Vote!

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it,” Mark Twain is believed to have quipped. However, there is no clear-cut evidence he said anything of the sort. Who ever first uttered those words did so anonymously. Little wonder. That person was wrong. And if you want to tell yourself that it makes...

The Filthy Rich Get Richer

And the winner is…Goldman Sachs! America’s big bankers don’t really care whether the next President is named Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Once Bernie Sanders was knocked out of the race, the threat to the fat cats who own this country was over. Do I exaggerate? Well, once Bernie was sent back to Vermont, how...
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