Bits & Pieces

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March 2025

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HUSTLER Classic: Succulent Legs, Breasts and Thighs

HUSTLER Classic: Succulent Legs, Breasts and Thighs

Got a hankering for some hot, juicy sex served up to you on a silver platter?  As Turkey Day approaches, allow us to serve up what you’re craving,...
Roommate Sex in the Covid Age

Roommate Sex in the Covid Age

With so many people under lockdown, a lot of roommates are sharing more than just a living space these days.  Covid-19 has changed people’s lives in different ways, from wearing masks in...
Robin Bougie: Lord of the Cinema Sewer

Robin Bougie: Lord of the Cinema Sewer

Robin Bougie is a champion of both indie comics and porn whose books, including two celebrations of vintage adult film posters (Graphic Thrills) and publications such as the...
HUSTLER Two-Timers: Abby Cross

HUSTLER Two-Timers: Abby Cross

Welcome back to HUSTLER Two-Timers, where we celebrate Honeys so nice, we’ve featured them twice!  Today we go deep into the heart of Texas to pay tribute to Lone Star lovely Abby...
Cherie Currie: Still Rocking, Still Roaring

Cherie Currie: Still Rocking, Still Roaring

The former lead singer of The Runaways is back with a ripping new album, The Motivator—and yes, she still rocks a chainsaw like no other. At 60 years old, an...
HUSTLER Classic: Sun Strokin’

HUSTLER Classic: Sun Strokin’

Hey, like they say—you snooze, you lose. Especially when it comes to views of cooze.  Take Jonelle, here, from the April ’88 HUSTLER pictorial Rooftop Rendezvous, for instance....
Safe and Sexy
Bits & Pieces

Safe and Sexy

Yes, the world is falling apart at an exponential rate, but goddammit, we’re going to look sexy while it’s happening. No one really wants to wear a face mask all the time, but on the other hand, we’re...
Follow the Money

Follow the Money

Watergate’s Woodward went wayward as hundreds of thousands of Americans died. You just breathe the air, and that’s how it’s passed,” Donald Trump confided to journalist Bob Woodward way back on...
The Blooper Reel
Bits & Pieces

The Blooper Reel

Don’t you hate it when you spend all day preparing to carry out a fake home invasion only to find out that someone gave you the wrong address? And then, when you try to explain to the owner that it’s just...
When Sex Isn’t Sex
Bits & Pieces

When Sex Isn’t Sex

As the world burns, those of us responsible enough to stay inside are binging the hell out of whatever the streaming platforms have to offer. Maybe you caught the recent TV adaptation of Get Shorty, available...
Hardcore & Chill
Bits & Pieces

Hardcore & Chill

You know—just thinking out loud here—watching porn doesn’t have to be a uniquely solitary experience. If you’re a male reading this, you might be surprised to know how many women read HUSTLER. And if...
S3x Worker Superheroes
Bits & Pieces

S3x Worker Superheroes

You know what would really help break up that quarantine boredom? A set of sexy-ass collectible trading cards to pore over. And what if, in purchasing said cards, you would be helping to support the...
The Doctor Is In!
Bits & Pieces

The Doctor Is In!

File under “E” for effort? The University of Mississippi got a lesson in fact-checking in September when Ole Miss announced it would honor healthcare workers by adorning stadium drinking cups with...
Better Sex Now
Bits & Pieces

Better Sex Now

Remember growing up and always being told that the only limit to potential is your imagination? My friends, it’s time to tap into that creative wellspring. Health authorities are unequivocal in their...
Judy Gold: Comedy Amazon

Judy Gold: Comedy Amazon

At 6 foot-3 inches, Judy Gold is a comedy Amazon. Bold and brassy, she’s a stand-up true believer who refuses to curb her act or her speech in the face of today’s repressive PC climate. She’s...
End Racism in Adult Film: A Path to Better Porn

End Racism in Adult Film: A Path to Better Porn

As I sit, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide with surprise and partial exasperation, I feel my expression parallels that of the legendary porn performer Angel...
Brooklyn Gray - April '20

Wetter Than Water

Droplets of water glisten on naked breasts. Ocean spray splashes smooth curves and drips from perfect pink labes. Goddesses laze by pools on hot, sunny days. It’s no secret that HUSTLER likes to shoot wet...
Sexting Without Sex Is a Real Thing That Happens—but Why?!

Sexting Without Sex Is a Real Thing That Happens—but Why?!

People love to sext and, in a sense, they always have. From the dawn of human communication, Homo sapiens carved pictures of their dicks onto...
Sklarred for Life

Sklarred for Life

You’ve Seen Them on ESPN, or Comedy Central, or Showtime. If It’s Funny And It’s On TV, There’s No Way You Haven’t Been Tag-Teamed By The Sklar Brothers.  We paired Randy and Jason with our own...
Photo by Nevermore Visuals

Eric Branchfield: Inspiring Ink-Slinger

As one of the tattoo world’s few wheelchair-bound artists, Eric Branchfield rolled through adversity to reach the top of his craft. Eric Branchfield’s initial interest in...
The Roaring Twenties: Where Will Porn Go From Here?

The Roaring Twenties: Where Will Porn Go From Here?

Virtual reality! An epic XXX video game! The resurgence of paid porn? With a new decade upon us, we gaze into the crystal ball to see what might be in store...