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October 2024

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Boob Goggles
Bits & Pieces

Boob Goggles

Like flying cars or teleportation, virtual reality technology had yet to align with our expectations of life in 2018. But then a Swiss-based tech firm went and changed everything by developing the first ever...
The Real Fake News: Prayer Eliminates Gun Violence
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: Prayer Eliminates Gun Violence

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The obligatory outpouring of thoughts and prayers in the wake the largest mass-shooting in modern American history has achieved what many...
The Greatest Show On Earth
Bits & Pieces

The Greatest Show On Earth

 Is there anything scarier than a clown? Pennywise, the shape-shifting nightmare monster from Stephen King’s It, is terror personified, but add kink to the mix and suddenly the big...
Blow, Baby, Blow
Bits & Pieces

Blow, Baby, Blow

Hurricane relief just got a whole lot sexier. File under, “Only in Florida”: Hurricane victims left frustrated in the wake of Irma’s destruction were offered the sweet sexual relief they so desperately...
Eternal Life: Cryonics & the Science of Antiaging

Eternal Life: Cryonics & the Science of Antiaging

A scientific revolution in antiaging and life extension is underway, and the focus is not only on retarding the aging process, but also on curing or reversing...

The Cowardly Liar

When Donald Trump revealed his intention to prevent “transgender individuals” from “serv in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” he lied about having consulted with his “generals and military...

The Blame Game

If you want to know how the country went to the dogs and elected Donald Trump our President, ponder a simple statistic recently issued by the U.S. Census Bureau: Americans’ median household income finally...
The Titty Committee
Bits & Pieces

The Titty Committee

Millennials, the most coveted marketing demographic on the block, are much maligned and oft misunderstood. What we do know is that they’re underemployed, overeducated and wizards at social media. And now...
Man Down: Dick Drama
Bits & Pieces

Man Down: Dick Drama

An erect penis can get into a lot of trouble under the wrong circumstances. No, you cannot break your dick, but there’s still a whole lot of horrible, cringe-worthy stuff that can happen to it with or...
Panties For Profit
Bits & Pieces

Panties For Profit

A former cleaner from London, England, is raking in the pounds. What’s her secret? Good old-fashioned grit, know-how and a knack for turning dirty laundry into cash money. Financial domination is well-worn...
12 Lays of Christmas

12 Lays of Christmas

The assignment: to review hundreds of sex toys in an effort to hand-select for our readers the best, hottest XXX gifts of the season. Our hard-working staff devoted umpteen hours of research to achieve...
How to Be a Porn Star…Director…Agent

How to Be a Porn Star…Director…Agent

Kimber Kicks Ass

Kimber Kicks Ass

Kimber Woods is about to kick a man’s ass—and he will be thankful for it.  As porn starlet and third-degree karate black belt Woods prepares to put her martial-arts skills to the test, her fists punch...

Every Voting System Hacked

There’s a reason why I’ve been ranting about the insecurity of computerized voting and tabulation for nearly 15 years: Every single system in all 50 states can be hacked and results...

Be Kind to Strangers

Tis the season to mark the virgin birth of the baby Jesus—clearly the ultimate example of an undocumented immigrant—and to issue a timely warning to President Donald Trump: Your constant bashing of the...
Royals Talk Dirty
Bits & Pieces

Royals Talk Dirty

Princess Diana was a living saint adored by millions. Then she was assassinated as part of an Illuminati conspiracy to assure Charles’ ascension to the throne. Or not. We may never know for sure. Until then...
The Real Fake News: Donald Trump Cancels 2020 Election
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: Donald Trump Cancels 2020 Election

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In shocking early morning tweets yesterday, President Trump announced that he was canceling the 2020 elections because “No...

Documenting Disaster

Republicans like John McCain, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney once offered plans to help curb the effects of man-made greenhouse gases causing global warming. That ended in 2010, when the U.S. Supreme Court’s...

Give Peace a Chance

The best thing about President Donald Trump, at least up to this point, is that he doesn’t seem willing to go to war with Russia. That’s a good thing because Russia still possesses almost half of the...
Glitch Porn
Bits & Pieces

Glitch Porn

Is it scrambled pay-per-view sex? Corrupt video? An acid flashback? Introducing glitch porn, a new lo-fi obsession in an HD world. Gritty, grainy and distorted, glitch porn borrows heavily from vaporwave, an...
Long Live Sex!
Bits & Pieces

Long Live Sex!

Do you know what telomeres are? They are about to improve your sex life. If at times it seems like getting your lady into bed involves cajoling or bargaining or standing on your fucking head, then this news is...