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Circus of Depravity
Bits & Pieces

Circus of Depravity

Remember Wife Swap, the program where two women from diverse backgrounds traded families and homes for a couple weeks? As guilty pleasures go, the reality series was not totally without merit: Watching a...
DPA Picture Alliance/Alamy
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: Dozens Hospitalized With Giuliani Poisoning

ATLANTA, GA—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging East Coast residents to avoid...
Photo by Xinhua/Alamy
Bits & Pieces

Four Score & Seven Boners Ago

Fanfiction is a very broad term that encompasses all kinds of fantasy scenarios between characters, be they real or imagined. There’s gay Teen Wolf fanfic, Marvel Universe...
A Sack of Shit for a Sack of Shit
Bits & Pieces

A Sack of Shit for a Sack of Shit

Some ideas are so simple, so perfect that you can’t help but be mad at yourself for not thinking of it first. Sometimes it’s a new spin on an existing product—an innovation...
Dennis Hof photo by DPA Picture Alliance/Alamy.
Bunnyranch photo by ©Bill Bachmann/Alamy.

Last Ho Down at the BunnyRanch

Like everyone at Nevada’s premiere brothel, the Moonlite BunnyRanch, I was shocked by the news of Dennis Hof’s sudden death on October 16, 2018, just two days after he celebrated his...
P9M1FN Washington, DC, USA. 18th July, 2018. Early evening demonstrators in front of the White House protesting President Donald Trump?s ?treasonous? relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as became obvious during Trump?s recent trip to Europe and Russia.  Bob Korn/Alamy Live News

Indict Him!

If Donald Trump is lucky—and he usually is—he will only be impeached. He deserves far worse: to be prosecuted as a criminal and sent to prison. If anybody else did what we now know Trump did, he or she...
KTN8JF Officers from law enforcement agencies across Washington County, N.Y. seized almost $2 million of worth of marijuana plants Aug. 28 as part of a multi-day, multi-agency drug eradication mission in conjunction with the New York Counterdrug Task Force. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. J.p. Lawrence, 42nd Infantry Division Public Affairs).

The War on Drugs Was a Bust

Sometimes a revolution happens and nobody notices. That’s the case with the widespread legalization of marijuana in this country and the grinding to a halt of the U.S. government’s...
Long Story Short: How to Measure Your Penis
Bits & Pieces

Long Story Short: How to Measure Your Penis

The way it’s debated, you’d think that dick size and the measurement thereof was akin to string theory and other hotly contested topics. But even particle...
The Real Fake News: White House Announces “Snitches Get Stitches” Policy
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: White House Announces “Snitches Get Stitches” Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A White House increasingly in the grip of paranoia has issued a “Snitches Get...
Audio Porn: Hard of Hearing
Bits & Pieces

Audio Porn: Hard of Hearing

Sometimes all it takes is a faint smell to trigger a reaction and inspire arousal. Similarly, take away one sense, and the others step in to process stimuli. When it comes to porn, we...
Sex Workers Vote!
Bits & Pieces

Sex Workers Vote!

To say that sex workers have had a rough couple of years would be the understatement of the century. Persecuted and scapegoated since the dawn of the trade itself, folks who choose to use their bodies as they...
Democracy Strikes Back

Democracy Strikes Back

Well, it wasn’t a blue wave after all. It was, in fact, a blue tsunami last November, although you could be forgiven if you didn’t notice. Some key 2018 midterm election results were initially...
Outsmarting Capitalism?

Outsmarting Capitalism?

Never hustle a hustler” is a street-smart dictum you would think President Donald Trump would have embraced long before launching his trade war with the People’s Republic of China. Maybe he was...
Aisling Isolde: Transfiguration

Aisling Isolde: Transfiguration

Shock is in the eye of the beholder, but when Instagram banned the work of Australian artist Aisling Isolde, she gained a new, international audience for her raw, deglamorized...
Major Civil Rights Triumph

Major Civil Rights Triumph

Mainstream media has a difficult time covering good news. While there wasn’t much of that in the mixed results of a deeply divided midterm electorate nationwide, one pure bright light of...
This Number Is No Longer in Service

This Number Is No Longer in Service

There are a lot of scams in the Republican Party’s toolbox. One of the most insidious is the notion that cutting regulatory red tape is somehow meant to help you, the little...
Boner Science
Bits & Pieces

Boner Science

In the spirit of “masturbating will make you go blind” or the fabled “hairy palms” myth, “porn-induced erectile dysfunction” is the latest sexual bogeyman to haunt men who dare engage in the carnal...
The Politics of Porn
Bits & Pieces

The Politics of Porn

It’s common knowledge that our government is overrun by alien lizard monsters and political affiliations mean less as we march headlong into the New World Order. But insofar as porn preference, it’s...
The Real Fake News: Pence Heals Nation With Pizza Bagels
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: Pence Heals Nation With Pizza Bagels

PITTSBURGH, PA—In the wake of the horrific violence at the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue, Mike Pence made a pilgrimage to the Steel City in...
Honey Is Pure Gold

Honey Is Pure Gold

There are few things more beautiful than the beach at sunset. The beach at sunset with Honey Gold on the sand is one of them. As the 25-year-old, multiethnic adult-film phenom takes in the scenery at Venice...
Kristen Liu-Wong: The Fine Art of Nudie Cards

Kristen Liu-Wong: The Fine Art of Nudie Cards

The golden age of porn gets a millennial makeover from Los Angeles-based artist Kristen Liu-Wong, who has made it her personal mission to recreate a...