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March 2025

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Tales From the Clit: Little Puck

Water is wet, the sun is warm, and rappers love porn stars! In this fifth chapter of our X-rated storyteller’s series, HUSTLER Beaver (May ’23) and newly minted Brazzers Girl Little Puck takes us back to the time...

Stripper Karaoke

June’s unseasonably cool, cloudy weather was perfect for hauling a stripper pole through the streets of Burbank. After a year of picketing Star Garden, Equity Strippers NoHo knew the power of the ol’ razzle-dazzle. They were setting up one of...

Student Bodies

Growing up, the arrival of September was synonymous with one thing: school… and the fresh promise of horrific humiliation that haunts us all the way to the grave. Sorry to project, but adolescence is hell. You know what’s not hell, though? The...

Tales From the Clit 4: Connie Perignon

For the fourth installment of our dirty storyteller’s series, Taboo Magazine model (May/June 2023) and curvaceous inked queen Connie Perignon shares a shocking tale of cuckoldry: “People know me for always having...

Happy Birthday, Barely Legal!

As the HUSTLER squad continues to pick up the pieces after a raucous 49th Anniversary (50 is going to be nuts), we would be remiss not to stop and fete our sexy “stepsister” publication (hehehe) Barely Legal for 30 years of...

Sexxx Education

They say follow your dreams, but what if your dream is to watch porn all the time? Granted, the pay isn’t great, but the subject matter never ceases to amaze. So if XXX truly is your passion, then why not expand your acumen beyond the mere act of...

Summer Daze

It’s August, and the clock is quickly running out on another sizzling summer. So as not to waste a precious second of sunlight, let’s celebrate sex workers who celebrate Mother Nature. The heat is on! • Pro grappler, pro domme, part-time...

“Victory Is Ours!”

The strippers of Star Garden have emerged victorious in their fight for a union, after a 15-month-long campaign, including eight months on the picket line. On May 18, 2023, they became the only stripper union in the U.S. after the club’s owners...

Rocky Mountain High

There are extreme porn stars, and then there is Rocky Emerson: a porn star who goes to extreme lengths for her art (and high-altitude orgasms). The 6-4 tower of sexual power and titan of adult entertainment is always on the lookout for her next big...

Tales From the Clit 3: Cali Caliente

This month, hardcore hottie Cali Caliente tells us about the time she hooked up with that rapper in a chronicle she calls, “Right Place, Right Time.” “I’ve experienced some magical moments in live music: I got...

Where the Wild Things Are

Let’s face it, times are changing. And while there is no shortage of films to get excited about today, occasionally we find ourselves longing for the cinema of yesteryear—a time when morals were loose and R-rated blockbusters at an...

Cat Daddy

Cat dads are having a moment. Maybe it’s a byproduct of the current obsession with zaddies (e.g., Pedro Pascal), but however you slice it, apparently we cannot get enough of men who love and dote on their little fur babies. And where are all of...

The Greatest Show on Earth

Grab your sunscreen, ear plugs and as many condoms as you can carry, because summer festival season is in full swing! Whether you’re a Bonnaroo guy or an Electric Daisy Carnival gal (or nonbinary Pitchfork Fest nerd), there is...

Decriminalize Now!

On March 1, 2023, 90 sex workers and advocates gathered at the state capital in Albany, New York, to lobby for SVSTA (Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act), a bill to fully decriminalize sex work in the state of New York. DecrimNY, a coalition of 30+...

Tales From The Clit 2: Kazumi

In our second installment, adult entertainment legend-in-the-making Kazumi digs deep for a golden yarn of delightful degradation she dubs, “Urine My Heart.” “I love being an indie creator. I get to think up weird, fucked-up...

The Horror, the Horror!

Nothing captures the dread, fear and anxiety of an era like horror. And in 2023, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a horror renaissance, with a veritable tsunami of envelope-pushing terror to choose from—both on the big screen...

Beach Boner Bingo

Sometimes it’s not such a bad idea to bury your head in the sand. We mean it in the most literal sense possible, of course, lest you want to find yourself being escorted off of Haulover Beach in Florida for not observing proper boner etiquette....

RIP, Raquel

Remember that scene in Hannie Caulder (1971) where Raquel Welch shrinks her pants to fit her fabulous form? We do. Do we ever. For those unfamiliar with her work and complicated legacy, we are once again honored to draw deep from the well of film...

Tales From the Clit! Sophia Locke

Welcome to our new, semi-regular feature where adult entertainment stars and creators share their dirtiest stories in excruciating detail. Up first is the cum-back kid herself, Sophia Locke, who remembers her first...

BBQ Babes

Do you smell that? Breathe in deep, my friends, because summer is here, and barbecue season is officially underway. Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary folk, start your grills! With warmer temps come scantily clad hotties with a taste for meat, sweets...

The Porn Workout

Burying the lede is an old journalism term that describes reporting in which a very, very important fact is buried way down toward the bottom of an article. “Mayor inaugurates new swing set! Oh, and someone’s baby was eaten alive by a pack of...

Too Hot for Halftime

Was it the fire engine red breastplate? Help us out, FCC, because we’re still trying to figure out why Rihanna’s halftime show landed 103 viewer complaints. Maybe chalk it up to the Janet Jackson effect, and how one nipple has made it virtually...

Mile High Mayhem

Look, no one wants to end up on the no-fly list. And while joining the Mile High Club may seem like a worthy notch on your list of sexual conquests, cramped sex in a stanky-ass bathroom the size of a gym locker is not exactly our idea of a...

I Screen, You Screen

Everyone is entitled to their privacy, and personal information should never be shared willy-nilly. But if you seek the services of a professional companion and refuse to screen? Then you, sir, are what is referred to in scientific circles as “a...