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March 2025

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Club Girl

Shelby Sparks was earning a degree in journalism and creative writing at Penn State when she took a pole dancing class, just for fun. She was good. Really good. So she entered a few competitions, and shortly after was on her way to Las Vegas to...

Gun Crazy

Praise the Lord and pass the ammo! So goes the pretzel logic of Spike’s Tactical, a Florida gun manufacturer selling a “Christian-themed” assault rifle. Dubbed “The Crusader,” the AR-15 is etched with a Knights Templar Cross and shield...

Trump’s A Rump

Proving that he’s not one to learn from experience, Donald Trump has struck out twice now on attempts to co-opt popular music for his campaign. First The Donald blasted “Rockin’ in the Free World” at his Presidential bid kickoff event, a...

Happy New Year!

BAILEY RAYNE January ’15 Honey 1. I want to be more adventurous sexually. If I meet someone and we both want to have a freaky adventure without any strings attached, I want to be brave enough to just do it. 2. I want to have sex with a girl! Which...

World’s Oldest Profession

It’s long been our belief that consensual sex between adults, including the right to buy and sell it, should be legal. Now Amnesty International has reached the same conclusion. It turns out there’s pretty compelling evidence that...

Club Girl: Summer

“Girls get tricky,” laughs Summer, January’s mischievous Club Girl. “Sometimes they don’t like me because I look better than they do.” Entertaining at Larry Flynt’s HUSTLER Club, Las Vegas, for the past six years, Summer says she...

The Fantastic Adventures of Captain & Boofo

We’re used to receiving interesting, sometimes even surprising mail from our readers (see Feedback, page 18), mixed in with the more standard fare (dirty jokes, complaints about the current state of pubic...

Gifts For Your Naughty List

TWERKING BUTT  Whoever opens this box on Christmas is sure to be impressed by your exquisite taste and refinement. Made of patented Cyberskin, the TwerkingButt is a tech nological miracle. It’s so lifelike! But wait,...

Club Girl: Avery

Avery, December’s featured dancer, has a soft spot for men who know what they want and ask for it—politely. “I’ve been dancing at HUSTLER Las Vegas since May,” says the 24-year-old beauty. “It’s the first and only gentlemen’s club...

Hardcore Funny

Rejoice, die-hard fans of dirty jokes and raw, raunchy cartoons. Our sidekicks at HUSTLER HUMOR have worked their asses off in Larry Flynt’s fun factory to churn out a superfunny edition that will leave you in stitches. Share the gags with your...

Bad Santas

Let the 2014 arrests across the U.S. be a lesson to bad Santas everywhere—Santa suits are not invisibility cloaks. Still, a pistol-packing Santa in Solana Beach, California, was able to evade authorities after sticking up a Chase Bank and making...

Domo Arigato, Ms. Roboto

“I am so happy and lucky to get this doll. She likes to hide around the house and scare people and crash parties on the weekends,” boasts a customer in one of many happy testimonials on Since 1996 these fully poseable,...

The Wild Side

TABOO, America’s premier fetish magazine, celebrates its debut relaunch with the now perfect-bound, collectible September/October issue. Ideal for both the curious and the curator, TABOO taps deep into the psyches and experiences of its gorgeous...

Club Girl: Callie Maze

“I love Las Vegas!” gushes Callie, November’s super-rad Club Girl, and a couple of years ago she got the tattoo to prove it. “It took several sessions, and yes, it hurt—it was brutal!” she admits of the elaborate ink job...

Head Nurse

“Does my dick still work? Can I still fuck?” William J. Peace, paralyzed by an illness at age 18 in 1978, wanted answers. During his hospital rehab, Peace heard rumors about dick-sucking nurses, but assumed they were just that—until he awoke...

Screen Queens

Porn stars have been burning up both small and big screens this year in what some industry wonks call “unorthodox casting.” We call it totally awesome! Amia Miley and Peta Jensen appear in the second season of HBO’s True Detective. According...

F.M.K.: The Kardashians

KIM: FUCK Sure, there’s a definite vapid vacancy there, but really, we’d be hard-pressed to think of a celebrity derriere we’d rather fuck. Of course it would be tempting to jam a dick into her mouth instead, just to shut her the...


Like what you see? Then this might just be your next sex toy. The Vajankle—fun to say, isn’t it?—is just what it seems, a severed, wrinkled left foot made bangable by the addition of a vagina molded into its stump. Custom-made by Sinthetics, a...

Club Girl: Dakota

“Living in Vegas is super exciting and fun 24/7,” raves Dakota, October’s crazy-cute Club Girl. “I love that I can get off work past midnight and still get a steak dinner.” When she’s not busy working at Larry Flynt’s HUSTLER Club,...

Scream Cream

“So what are you?” At the annual L.A. Heaven and Hell bash, now over 20 years strong, the answer is always “Slutty!” From scantily clad pirates to Freddy Krueger’s favorite wet dreams, XXX starlets vie to win World’s Sexiest Costume....

Stars & Stripes Forever

Model Charlotte Stokely was stoked to land the cover of HUSTLER’s 41st Anniversary Edition. “Photographer Piper Ferguson called and said I was the perfect girl for the job. I’d been waiting to shoot with her forever, and a shot at...

God Bless Orgies

“Remember, we are all strangers until we meet!” That’s not just a motto—it’s a religion—at least for The Social Club in Nashville. Founded in 1980, this swingers’ club recently sold its downtown location and moved to the suburbs. When...

Oral Argument

A guy can get blown up serving his country, but if it went down during a year that happens to be a numeric euphemism for a certain sex position, he ain’t getting a commemorative license plate for it—at least not in Utah. Vietnam War veteran...

Don’t Be Clothes-Minded!

Finally, government at work! The Venice Neighborhood Council recently approved a motion which grants women “the same rights as men to sunbathe topless on the sands of Venice Beach,” reasoning Venice Beach was modeled around the...