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February 2025

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Porn Stars and Politics
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Porn Stars and Politics

When it comes to the important issues facing society today, these XXX performers aren’t shy about making their voices heard.

The political climate in America is rife with tension, debates and a ton of opposing views. It can be dicey waters to vocalize one’s opinions online, especially when others may not agree.

I had the pleasure of speaking with four sex workers who are outspoken with their beliefs on important issues and use their platforms to try and educate, enlighten and invoke change. 

Photo courtesy of Kai Bailey

HUSTLERMagazine: What was the catalyst for you to start publicly voicing your political opinions?

Kai Bailey: It started in university due to many issues (most specifically with regard to how inaccessible healthcare is within the United States and the fact that NCAA players are treated like literal slaves), and then simply continued to escalate year after year into what it has become now (sex work and trans rights).

Eliza Allure: I don’t recall exactly when I started being vocal about politics online, to be honest, because that’s just how I was raised. My birth mother struggled with drug addiction, and because of that we suffered domestic violence from my stepdad, so we were often homeless, sleeping in front of my preschool. I suppose my humble background has allowed me to have empathy for other people who have not had such a privileged life as well. My adopted parents are extremely open-minded, tolerant and welcoming people. They taught me to stand up for my beliefs. I was adopted by them when I was ten, but before that I had been in the foster care system. As a child in the foster care system, you are a ward of the government and your whole life is politicized.

Madame Margherite: I started voicing My political opinions very young. By the time I was in junior high I was already forming the Gay Straight Alliance in My school and protesting animal cruelty.

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