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March 2025

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Cho Headlines Minority Reportz
Bits & Pieces

Cho Headlines Minority Reportz

“I wanted to fuck Bristol Palin,” confessed Margaret Cho during April’s Ethnic AF Comedy Show at the Matrix Theatre in West Hollywood. She encountered the famous teen mom on...
Corinne Fisher & Krystyna Hutchinson: The Anti Slut-Shaming Sluts of Guys We Fucked

Corinne Fisher & Krystyna Hutchinson: The Anti Slut-Shaming Sluts of Guys We Fucked

If Howard is King, Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson must be the Queens of All Media: Their stand-up...
Ginger Lynn: X-Rated Superstar

Ginger Lynn: X-Rated Superstar

CLASSIC HUSTLER INTERVIEW BY DOUG OLIVER OCTOBER 1985 Even if you’d spent the past 18 months in a coma on life-support systems or in a cave in Outer Mongolia—or both—you’d probably...
America’s Deaf & Dumb Party

America’s Deaf & Dumb Party

Mark April 2019 as the month that President Donald Trump, for the first time, could rest assured that he would be reelected. Three events signaled the parting of the storm clouds that have...
How to Be a Porn Stud: Tips From Professional Dicks

How to Be a Porn Stud: Tips From Professional Dicks

Of course the thought has crossed your mind: You’re watching porn, enjoying the orgy or DP onscreen, and suddenly you start thinking, Hey, what a great...
Alex Gamsu Jenkins: Brute Style

Alex Gamsu Jenkins: Brute Style

The satirical surrealism of British artist Alex Gamsu Jenkins has appeared in Vice, Juxtapoz, HUSTLER and The New York Times. Join us in studio for a trip inside...
Don’t Blame Russia!

Don’t Blame Russia!

Any halfway honest person has to admit that if 19 government lawyers—working with FBI agents, intelligence analysts and forensic accountants for two years—can’t find evidence of a crime, then there...
Time for Wall Street to Pay Up

Time for Wall Street to Pay Up

Democrats have a plan that could eliminate several of America’s biggest problems at once. So, naturally, Republicans oppose it. For decades they’ve claimed that the federal...
Brooklyn Is for Lovers
Bits & Pieces

Brooklyn Is for Lovers

There’s something kind of magical happening in Brooklyn right now—well, Bushwick to be specific, a neighborhood located in the north end of this beloved NYC borough. There a community is emerging...
The Real Fake News: Nation Shocked to Learn Wealthy Buy Advantages
Bits & Pieces

The Real Fake News: Nation Shocked to Learn Wealthy Buy Advantages

SANTA MONICA, CA—In the wake of the college admissions scandal, in which 50 people were charged on multiple...
Lisa Simpson for President
Bits & Pieces

Lisa Simpson for President

Now that a reality-TV star has proven that anyone can be elected President in America, The Donald is facing a formidable foe. A Fort Lauderdale-born woman has adopted the identity...
Happy, Healthy…Kinky
Bits & Pieces

Happy, Healthy…Kinky

Admit it, you’re curious about kink. Maybe you saw Fifty Shades of Grey, or someone bought you Shibari rope as a wedding gift that now sits in a drawer, sad and unused. Well, dust that shit off and get...
Fucking Fun @ The Adult Entertainment Expo

Fucking Fun @ The Adult Entertainment Expo

It comes as no surprise that porn stars like to fuck and have fun. Nowhere is that more evident than the Adult Entertainment Expo, a celebration of sex held...
D1C48P Anti corporate bail out protesters call for funds to be used for a national healthcare plan.

Free Healthcare for Everyone?

Medicare for All is the ticket to healthcare sanity in America, and the idea is being championed by more members of Congress than ever before. Progressive caucuses in the House and Senate...
RYFJXB U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, along with other members of Congress announce the Green New Deal legislation during a press conference outside the Capitol Building February 7, 2019 in Washington, D.C.

A Green New Deal

The Green New Deal (GND) must be a great idea. How do I know? Just listen to wing nuts on the Right, like Sean Hannity of Fox News. He freaked out about the plan for millions of new jobs and clean, renewable...
Sex in the City
Bits & Pieces

Sex in the City

Nothing says sexy quite like cutting loose in…Morgantown, West Virginia? You see, this is what happens when you let a sex toy company use its own data to promote romantic tourism. It’s a pretty common...
Sad Little Weiner
Bits & Pieces

Sad Little Weiner

Former congressman and human trainwreck Anthony Weiner has seen better days. He is reportedly back in New York after finishing his term in a Massachusetts prison where he may or may not have been passed around...
Florida: WTF
Bits & Pieces

Florida: WTF

Florida, America’s sweaty ball sac (thank you, Patton Oswalt), earned its reputation as the most batshit crazy state in the union. And it continues to defend this dubious title, day after day, racking up...

Sex Superstars: Bewitching Brunettes

Back in our January issue HUSTLER featured Part One of our “Sex Superstars” series: “Blond Bombshells.” We labored long and hard over our selections and, in fact, almost...
DYKDWN US Air Force airman provides security during an operation March 16, 2014 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan.

Another Foolhardy War

For many Americans, especially millennials, war has become nothing more than what’s depicted in the make-believe world of a video game. Couch potatoes can joyously kill and be killed without...
KDT2KA Texas border fence sits atop a dike near the Texas/Mexico border with a farmers mailbox in the foreground. This portion of the fence was built during

Against the Wall

Most Americans residing along the border with Mexico are not clamoring for a wall, but many are resisting an invasion. Their existential menace is neither cartel drug-runners nor Central American...