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February 2025

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Mental Load-Blocks
Featured Article

Mental Load-Blocks

Thinking about baseball to keep from coming too soon is so passé; read on for some truly out-there images that guys put in their heads to boost their endurance in the sack.

It has been said that baseball is all the average man needs to think about to keep from blowing his load too soon. It has been my experience that this is rarely a solid tactic for choking one off. This could have something to do with the fact that I don’t know jack-squat about the sport. And, if I’m brutally honest, it’s also a real boner-killer picturing a bunch of sweaty men playing around with large sticks and balls. But hey, I guess that’s sort of the point.

Nobody really knows what guys were supposed to ponder to prevent early ejaculation during poon-pounding sessions before 1839, when Civil War officer Abner Doubleday is said to have invented America’s pastime. Presumably, they either had to get creative, make excuses for their inadequacy or do a whole lot of apologizing. After all, no matter what they say, no lady tolerates a minuteman. They might not need the stiff dickens all night long, but sex better not come to a screeching halt before she gets hers.

Most men are perfectly aware that they need to hang in there awhile to get the job done. And while a lot of guys might not be champing at the bit to confess the need to mentally transport to a less happy place to keep up their endurance, those who are willing to discuss it agree that they are definitely, not thinking about who’s on first or what’s on second. 

“Dudes that stay hard while thinking about baseball are suspect,” 45-year-old Jason of Oregon tells “That’s more of an anti-erection tactic for sure. I mean, just imagine that time Randy Johnson threw a 95 mph fastball and it exploded a bird halfway to the plate while going at it. Instant flop-dong.”

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