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October 2024

Featuring Nata Gold
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Make America Date Again
Featured Article

Make America Date Again

Are single people looking to get back to traditional courtship rituals?

The male persuasion has spent the past couple of decades approaching the women they’re interested in as if they were some skittish alley cat, doing everything possible not to let on that they’d like to get into some heavy petting for fear they might scare them away. It’s one of those misguided ideas that seems to stem from the notion that females aren’t attracted to men who actually like them, only the ones that are dismissive toward them. So, while a mountable matron might secretly have a man’s heart, the wiener-wielding whippersnapper might choose to put on an air of indifference. He might tell her, “We should hang out sometime,” or impart some other aloof proclamation that suggests he’d like to spend an evening with her, but only if there’s nothing else going on. Got to play it cool, or else she might get spooked, and that will be that—no more chance for romance. Slow and steady wins the race.

“I want to be asked out. It shows me that I am worth the effort.” 


We hate to break it to you, fellas, but this cold courting method appears to be on its last leg. Women have been taking to social media lately to express their utter disdain for the “let’s get together sometime” strategy that men use to sound uninterested. They argue that guys need to take a more traditional approach when requesting their time, starting with asking them on a proper date. 

“I want to be asked out,” Terra, 34, tells “It shows me that I am worth the effort.” 

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