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February 2025

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Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?
Featured Article

Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?

Some of our favorite XXX performers discuss the good, bad and terrifying aspects of encountering fans in public.

It’s happened to most of us. You’re out in public and suddenly someone catches your eye. It’s that celebrity you love. Now imagine the person you recognize is someone that makes you come! 

When you reach a certain level of fame, you’re bound to be recognized—it’s only a matter of time. What experiences have some of your favorite XXX stars encountered? Some are pleasant, others… a nightmare! But they’re all pretty fascinating. Read on for choice fan encounters from some of our favorite performers. 


Photo courtesy of Mama Plugs

Twitter: @Mamaplugsxo

UK-based digital creator Mamaplugs suggests taking a light approach when encountering your favorite performer in public. 

“If you’re a fan who wants to say hi, my best advice is that it can be intimidating [when] being approached by a stranger, so the best thing is to smile and let them continue with their day,” she offers. “Obviously, everyone is different, though, so the best thing would be to find out their boundaries via their social media first.”

Being recognized in public can be a trip, and something that’s not easy to get used to. “Being spotted out in public is such a crazy experience! I remember my first time—I was at a car show when a lad walked past me and accidentally knocked into me,” Mamaplugs recalls. “He turned around, turned bright white and hurried away shouting, ‘I’m sorry, Lola!’ It was such a surreal feeling, like, Wow, people actually know who I am!

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