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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Work Out, Get Off
Featured Article

Work Out, Get Off

Exploring the “Coregasm” Phenomenon

Some people like exercising because it gives them a rush of endorphins or a body that makes others say, “Damn!” But a lesser-known benefit of working up a sweat is that you can also come while doing so. 

What? Yes, you read that right. Researchers have found that some people are able to orgasm through exercise, and they refer to this phenomenon as having a “coregasm.” But how common are coregasms, and how do they occur?

“I’ve never had a coregasm, but I have fucked my personal trainer,” an unnamed woman reveals to “We had been flirting for a while, and during one session, he was just touching my body and stretching me out. It was so hot that we snuck into a bathroom stall and he fucked me.”

Good to know! 

That anonymous female fitness fanatic is far from alone in never having had a coregasm. Recently, Sportarly, a fitness website, polled 4,200 men and women, and found that only 3% of women and 6% of men have ever had a coregasm. The majority of those surveyed said they didn’t even know that climaxing during a workout is a real thing that actually happens. 

“Coregasms can happen from most types of exercise as long as the core is engaged, but are more likely to occur from exercises that are particularly demanding of the core abdominal muscles.”

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