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February 2025

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An Escort’s Double Life
Featured Article

An Escort’s Double Life

In this age of the gig economy, more and more of us are juggling multiple jobs. But what if one of those jobs involves illicit sexual activity? How do you prevent those two worlds from colliding? What about managing your time and headspace while bouncing between a day gig and trick-turning? We spoke to a provider who told us how she swings the hustle between straight work and sex work. 

Lots of people work two jobs (especially these days), but it takes a special breed of professional to juggle multiple gigs while maintaining separate—as in, never the twain shall meet—identities.

Laura Mae has the mettle, and then some. The 23-year-old sex worker/service provider from Montreal is a paragon of discipline and time management, putting in her hours doing computer stuff while maintaining a roster of loyal escorting clients.

She’s never slipped up, knock on wood, and it’s all thanks to her confidence, drive and an awareness of essential do’s and don’ts in maintaining a secret life (and thriving in the process). Read on for her breakdown of a sex worker’s version of the gig economy. Could you give us an overview of your situation and how you manage it? Did you have your civilian job before you went into sex work, or did that come after? 

Laura Mae: I have pretty much always juggled between long-term, stable jobs and shorter-term contracts in a few different fields. The civvie job I have at the moment is a contract that I got a few months back; so I was already in the sex industry at that time. I work in a very normal computer administration environment, in a calm and silent office, which is a liiiittle different from my typical environment as a sex worker!

“Fortunately my worlds have not collided since I’ve been in the sex industry. (Knock on wood!)”

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