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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Highly Satisfied: The Sex and Weed Connection
Featured Article

Highly Satisfied: The Sex and Weed Connection

Marijuana is already known to lower anxiety and turn people on to Willie Nelson’s music, but the wonder drug can also help women’s sex lives go from feeling like they’re riding a city bus to the equivalent of drag-racing in a Ferrari.  

A new study published in the journal Sexual Medicine found that gals who frequently enjoy herb reported intensified arousal, fiercer orgasms and increased sexual satisfaction. As Wiz Khalifa once sang, “Everything’s better when you’re high.”

The researchers solicited respondents from marijuana dispensaries, and 452 ladies filled out a Female Sexual Function Index. The questionnaire analyzed their previous month’s erotic activity, and the team compared everyone’s answers, discovering that frequent cannabis consumers reported *cough-cough* high sexual satisfaction. 

Of course, being scientific-minded ourselves, would not stand idly by and allow Sexual Medicine to bogart the research. This is a subject that had us all lit up, so we talked to a number of women to find out if the study’s findings hold true in the real world.. 

“Weed definitely affects my sex life,” Miranda Meadows, 21, tells “Weed makes me horny—a different type of horny than when I drink, though.” 

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