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The Lowdown on Sub Drop
Featured Article

The Lowdown on Sub Drop

Sometimes, the comedown from the heights of ecstasy can be a pretty rough landing. Join us as we explore a common but relatively undiscussed phenomenon of BDSM.

If you’re a fan of BDSM scenes, you can tell that it hurts in the best way possible. The domme whipping, spanking and inflicting delightful pain on the sub, taking them to an out-of-this-world level of ecstasy. 

What you may not see (or even know about) is that, after the session or scene is over, the participants sometimes experience what is known as “sub drop.” 

I had the opportunity to talk with BDSM professionals from different sides of the power spectrum about their experiences with this kink phenomenon. Read on and learn. 

Mistress Danielle Blunt / Photo by Katie Lobel As a professional BDSM performer, explain what your interpretation of “sub drop” is.

Mistress Danielle Blunt: Sub drop is something that may happen after a BDSM scene, where you experience a physical, psychological or emotional low after intense D/s play. Sub drop can be caused by the aftermath of an adrenaline rush or by emotional things that were brought up in play. Subspace can be a very intense altered state, and sometimes it can be difficult to return to reality and regain your footing. Tops sometimes experience a similar drop after intense play, which is called “top drop.” There are many things you can do to reduce the impact of potential sub drop, but the feeling or experience can’t always be avoided.

Mistress Kye Ryen: Sub drop is the body’s response to having elevated levels of powerful neuro-chemical hormones released by your brain during kinky play. That much-sought-after destination is called “subspace.” It’s an altered state of feeling outside the body. Floating. A place of bliss. It’s similar to a runner’s high, but with a far more powerful concoction and end result. Subspace bliss is created by three primary players: adrenaline, endorphins and dopamine. A combination that has been referred to as “nature’s heroin.” Drop is what occurs after someone has entered subspace and often begins a day after kinky play has taken place. Sub drop is the body re-regulating itself back to its normal state after having a “dump” of these happy hormones. During this period, you can feel fatigue, foggy, depressed, lonely, anxious, grumpy, etc. Everyone’s “drop” is as different as our fingerprints. As is the duration. For those not in the kink lifestyle seeking to understand what drop is, I always ask them if they’ve ever said, “I need a vacation from my vacation.” During a vacation, most folks experience elevated levels of the feel-good hormones I mentioned. Upon returning home, they experience some fatigue, doldrums, irritability, etc., for a short period. Sub drop is like that. It’s just that kinksters go fast and hard to get to subspace, so the drop is far more present and substantial.

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