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Sex Mythbreakers: Does More Sex Equal Better Sex?
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Sex Mythbreakers: Does More Sex Equal Better Sex?

We all love to fuck. I mean, there’s no point in trying to over-intellectualize that one, is there?

 But can such a thing as “too much” sex exist? 

Okay, okay, before you close that browser window and exit the site completely, hear us out: You know that feeling when you find a restaurant that you love and, for the first couple of months, you eat there at least a few times a week? You can’t stop thinking about it, and count down the days till you get to visit again. 

Then, after a while, you get a couple of bad meals and you start going less and less. All of a sudden, the desire to go at all starts to wane and, before long, you’re looking around for something else. Maybe Thai this time, or Mexican, but the initial spark you felt for that original restaurant has long since faded.  

By means of this (admittedly less-than-subtle) food analogy, we’re addressing what is known in economic terms as the law of diminishing returns. This basically means that the more something happens and the longer it takes place, the less impactful, and the lower quality, the end result. 

Could it be possible that this same theory applies in the case of screwing? Is it possible that, when it comes to banging, less is more? 

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