Some of our favorite adult-industry performers explain how they unwind and recharge after a strenuous day on the job.
Giving your mind, body and soul some much-needed TLC is important no matter what line of work you’re in. Adult stars definitely understand the importance of pressing the pause button and recharging themselves after a long day on set. The amazing scenes they shoot for our viewing pleasure can take a toll. That toll isn’t just physical, but mental and emotional.
How do some of your favorite stars unwind and take care of themselves after a long, strenuous, tiring and even stressful day of shooting? Take a peek below—you just might learn how to take better care of yourself!

“I am a sucker for anything luxurious. You can find me after long scenes in a steamy bubble bath, eating something delicious, and journaling! I prefer home-cooked meals over takeout, so I usually bake something [with] meat and enjoy,” Isla Cox (Twitter: @IslaCoxxx) says of her after-shooting routine. Lucy Von Diamond (Twitter: @LucyVonDiamond) throws a creative element into her relaxation routine: “I take time to unwind by journaling. Writing helps me get out my emotions and thoughts, but it also allows me to reflect and process on how things went during the scene and where improvements could be made for future scenes. After I’m able to let my initial emotions and thoughts out with writing, I will almost always take a hot shower or bubble bath.”
Enjoying a nice bath or shower is a common practice for self-care, along with some sweet treats, as Lexus Rose (Twitter: @LexusTheDivine) notes. “I like to shower right after a messy or sweaty scene. After a refreshing rinse, I usually hydrate and eat. I have a little sweet tooth, so I reward myself with non-dairy ice cream or Twizzlers,” Lexus offers. “A nap is almost mandatory on a hard work day, and I take my sleep seriously because of my history of mental illnesses. Intimate social interactions can be exhausting, so taking some space to just be alone and reflect is also helpful. Finally, when I am energized, I try calling a friend to process experiences or just check in.”