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September 2024

Featuring Eve Sweet
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Do Body Counts…Count?
Featured Article

Do Body Counts…Count?

Worried about how many people your significant other slept with before you? Don’t be—in fact, a hefty tally of past sexual partners can actually make your relationship stronger.

At the beginning of a relationship, there are plenty of discussions that are sure to arise before things get too serious. One of the most polarizing of those conversations often hinges on “body count”—a term colloquially used to refer to the number of sexual partners someone has had before their current companion came along. This subject has caused countless blossoming relationships to implode over the years, with people often finding themselves caught between really liking someone and unraveling from the thought of all those dicks or pussies that came before them. 

“I wouldn’t recommend dating a woman that hasn’t gotten out and lived a little; that eye might start wandering.”


It could be argued that it’s the age-old sexual double standard that really drives a wedge between two people. Historically, any man that has bagged his fair share of babes is labeled King Dong, while promiscuous women are often deemed sluts. This derogatory classification is nothing more than an insecure society’s way of suggesting that ladies who have had sex with multiple partners are forever tainted. The truly sad part, however, is many dudes take stock in this belief and often make it the primary basis for choosing a long-term partner.

“I was raised that there are just some girls that are made for fun, and some that are wife material,” Jesse, 56, tells “Ain’t nobody wants to settle down with a woman who’s been passed around.” Jesse admits that it is unrealistic to expect a woman not to have sex with other people before they meet Mr. Right. He believes, however, that women should be more carnally reserved in an effort to carve out a fulfilling relationship with someone deserving of their commitment. Yet, the double standard prevails—when asked if he adhered to the same mounting modesty he expects of the fairer sex, Jesse admits that he didn’t. “We were dogs, bro,” he recalls.

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