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February 2025

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Disability Visibility
Featured Article

Disability Visibility

Looking to start next year on a positive note? The Disabled Sex Workers Calendar celebrates an amazing but underrepresented community.

If there’s one thing you can’t say about porn, it’s that there’s not enough variety. But even the most avid consumer of adult material should consider broadening their horizons, especially when there are so many beautiful and unique content creators to celebrate. 

Consider the many performers and sex workers who are disabled. Like it or not, we’re all biased—we see the world through the lens of who we are and how we experience life. Whether conscious or not, this blind spot conceals the many amazing, diverse and woefully underrepresented folks working their sexy asses off to make a living.

Holden Wunders, featured in the 2021 Disabled Sex Workers Calendar. (Twitter: @holdenwunders)

Yes, disabled sex workers are out there, and they are every bit as talented, driven and drop-dead gorgeous as anyone else. One such model/performer has taken it upon herself to champion this amazing community, and so can you.

That’s right, the Disabled Sex Workers Calendar is back! The idea is the brainchild of XBIZ Award winner and cam superstar GoAskAlex, whose goal is to promote fair representation and fight the stigma of sex work and disability alike. FACT: Those with disabilities deserve to feel sexually empowered and represented. FACT: Sex workers deserve the same rights and freedoms as anyone else in any other industry. FACT: These pin-ups are hot fire!

Last year’s calendar was so well-received that it sold out almost immediately. Who knows what fresh hell awaits us in 2021, but at least these beauties will be there to cheer you up when you need it most. spoke with Alex and model BodyByBlunts about their experiences, and what a project like this means for sex workers of all stripes.

GoAskAlex (Twitter: @goaskalexonline /

go ask alex
GoAskAlex, featured in the 2021 Disabled Sex Workers Calendar.

GoAskAlex is joy personified. Friendly, funny and devastatingly sexy, the tireless tattooed redhead is also a fierce supporter and advocate for the disabled sex worker community. As a child, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bowel disease that persisted into adulthood. Since the disease is auto-immune, Alex has spent much of her life on medications that required constant quarantining. (Sound familiar?)

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