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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Bustin’ a Butt
Featured Article

Bustin’ a Butt

Join us as we take a deep, probing look into the world of anal orgasms.

Women love having leg-quaking orgasms, but what some don’t realize is those sexual spasms could be a lot more intense if they did anal. No, that’s not just some poop-chute propaganda cooked up by men hoping to get the girls to let them inside those colons. Believe it or not, some women actually prefer anal orgasms over any other kind. Why else do you think the sex toy industry keeps developing new contraptions to be inserted, like my grandmother used to say, where the sun don’t shine? Some women claim that a solid ass-gasm rattles their entire body with far more power than anything that originates from the vagina or clitoris. Sure, there is sometimes an element of discomfort that comes with getting their rump ridden, but in the immortal words of the Midwestern poet John Cougar Mellencamp, it “hurts so good.”

It’s tough to imagine that, in this sexually progressive day and age, any woman alive wouldn’t understand to some extent the pleasure of getting her bum pumped. And yet, as crazy as it might sound, there are still plenty of ass virgins that continue to walk the Earth. Many ladies are still under the impression that anal sex is one of those acts of deviance that’s solely for their man’s pleasure, not theirs, so they have never worked a rectal romp into their sexual repertoire. “I thought it was only possible for men to orgasm through anal, but not women,” Katie, 45, tells Yet, when informed that those orgasms generated by being poked in the pooper are sometimes described as spiritual experiences, Katie opted to remain on the side of the non-believers. “Mine is still exit only,” she declares. 

Other women stand with Katie. “I’ve lived 47 years without an anal orgasm and I’m doing just fine,” declares Desiree of Indianapolis.

“It’s a way different, far stronger orgasm than a clitoral or vaginal orgasm. My asshole throbs and I can feel it in my pussy. It’s almost too much to take.” 

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