Celebrating the impressive artistic achievements of XXX performers Carmen Valentina, Erin Carroll and Courtney Trouble.
It’s time once again to showcase amazing adult-industry performers and their unbelievable artistic abilities! In this business, it’s easy to focus on what happens on-screen and toss off-screen hobbies and skills to the wayside. However, that would be a mistake; on so many levels, adult performers are incredibly creative human beings. (I mean, have you seen some of the crazy sex positions they come up with?!)
I reached out to a group of fabulously sexy sirens with a knack for the creative arts, picking their brains about their inspiration, journey and method for creating artwork that will leave you speechless. Prepare for the most arousing art-appreciation lesson you’ve ever received! (And after you’re done here, make sure to check out our previous installment of Art Is Sexy.)

“I don’t show my art as much as I should, because I get so busy. Sometimes I don’t want to show it, because I will get so critical of myself that I don’t want others to see it yet.”
Carmen Valentina

HUSTLERMagazine.com: When did you first begin creating art?
Courtney Trouble (Twitter: @CourtneyTrouble / website: CourtneyTrouble.com): I picked up fine art photography (portrait, landscape, abstract) as a kid, and always loved art class the most growing up. I think I just never stopped playing make-believe; I grew up to be someone who always works creatively and is in tune with my imagination. I got my undergrad in photography and a master’s in studio fine arts and photography in 2005 and 2017, respectively. So art has been a lifelong thing for me, woven into my work as an adult performer and a huge part of my education.
Carmen Valentina (Twitter: @ClubCarmenXXX / website: CarmenValentina.com): I feel like I was right out of the womb when I started creating art. From what I can remember, it dates back to my most favorite memory of Christmas, where I was gifted this Crayola art easel; I went batshit crazy-happy when I opened it. I started painting on it immediately. It did help that my mom was an artist too, so she would always draw with me to keep me busy as a toddler.