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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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A Celebration of Pride
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A Celebration of Pride

June is not only a harbinger of summer, it is also Pride Month! I had the absolute honor and pleasure of interviewing several LGBTQIA+ sex workers from numerous facets of the adult industry to share their journey, experiences and hopes for making our world (not just the adult industry) a more inclusive and supportive place.

Electra Rayne

Photo courtesy of Electra Rayne

Twitter: @ElectraRayne

“Honestly, I never thought I might be straight.”

“It didn’t make sense to me to write off roughly half the population for something as simple as gender or genitals,” Electra Rayne says of her sexual development. “I started using the word ‘bisexual’ in late high school or early college, and actually realized I was genderqueer in college as well, though I don’t explore that nearly as much in my work.” 

Electra has been a staple in the industry since 2015 and, after a long respite, she resumed her career in 2020. Electra is not only in front of the camera, but behind it as well, pioneering and expanding a website that authentically portrays an often glossed-over population. “To my knowledge, (my site) is the only lesbian site run 100% by actually queer women + sapphic nonbinary folks,” Electra notes. 

Given her experience, Electra has a few thoughts on how to improve inclusivity for LGBTQIA+ adult entertainers. “I would love to see male bisexuality be allowed to exist without being so strongly fetishized, and more space for nonbinary performers and trans men,” Electra offers. “I’d also love to see more lesbian and sapphic studios run by actual sapphic folks!” 

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