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March 2025

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Lev & Igor’s Influential Misadventure

How a Pair of Mysteriously Funded GOP Hustlers Purchased U.S. Foreign Policy…and How You Can Too! If you’ve been following America’s political nightmare even cursorily, you’ve likely stumbled across the names Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. Few had heard of either of these Soviet-born naturalized U.S. citizens until October 2019, when they were nabbed by...

Torture on the Silver Screen

A New Movie Chronicles a Senate Committee Probe Into the CIA’s Barbaric Interrogation of Suspected Terrorists.  Finally Hollywood has offered a devastatingly honest film about the Central Intelligence Agency’s systemic use of torture following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Based on a lengthy investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, The Report...

About Her Emails

How Donald Trump and the media played you for fools…and still do. “This is bigger than Watergate!” 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised. “We have only seen the tip of the iceberg!” he warned. “She should be in prison!” he bellowed, targeting his opponent Hillary Clinton. “She shouldn’t be allowed to run!” he railed again...