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February 2025

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Your Sex-Tape Secret: Spill It or Kill It?
Featured Article

Your Sex-Tape Secret: Spill It or Kill It?

Should you tell your partner about that intimate video you made with your ex? Should you keep it, or delete it? And what should you do if she finds it on her own?

Many of us have made a sex tape. Maybe it didn’t grab headlines like the one swiped from Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson once upon a 1995, but most people who consider themselves sexual progressives have likely set up their trusty cell phones, pressed the “Record” button and captured themselves doing the deed for the sake of posterity. These coital chronicles are often archived by couples for novelty or kink. However, relationships—being volatile and all—tend to fall apart. People get sick of their situation and move on, often forgetting that they had a bit too much to drink one night and slutted it up in front of the camera.

That sex tape is probably still hanging around on somebody’s cell phone. Of course, once a couple splits up, the decent course of action is to destroy all video evidence of nakedness and compromising positions. As often as not, though, we just can’t bring ourselves to do it. Humans are a sentimental bunch, prone to holding on to souvenirs, sexual and otherwise. There’s nothing wrong with this for the most part. After all, who doesn’t want to revisit that time when they were banging above their pay grade?

“People keep sex tapes for different reasons, some the same as why they keep cards, notes and pictures,” Dr. Rachel Needle, Florida-based licensed psychologist and the co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, tells “But most probably because they are hot.”

Holding on to recorded romps can spell trouble in the future. Without any warning, a new partner might snoop around on your phone and discover a video of you enthusiastically banging an ex.

If you don’t think it can happen to you, let David, a 37-year-old music teacher from Indiana, share with you the devastation he experienced after his girlfriend stumbled upon video evidence of his porking past. It wasn’t just one measly clip of him in the throes of passion, either. David admits to having several videos of three different women on his iPhone when he got busted. And yes, they were all consensual recordings; that’s the one thing he got right.

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