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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Sex Requests: The Weird, the Nasty… the Awesome!
Featured Article

Sex Requests: The Weird, the Nasty… the Awesome!

From getting freaky with food to gear-shift penetration, people share the most bizarre desires their partners have expressed to them.

There are times when two people are getting it on that the horny equivalent of the holy ghost enters one of their bodies and inspires a hankering for the wild. On occasion, that spirit sneaks in with a particularly kinky agenda, delivering a loony request that teeters on the edge of nasty and weird. 

We set out to uncover some of these twisted moments and we’ve got to tell you, we’re not sorry. A little shocked, perhaps, but not sorry. 

Some of the people we talked to about their oddball solicitations didn’t quite understand the assignment. Tales of light spanking, shaming, choking and pinching came up frequently. A man we’ll call Mingus was nothing short of impressed when his “old lady” asked for it doggy-style once—and, of all times, on a Tuesday. Oh, Mingus, you’re cute. Keep it up, though; you’ll get there.

Other unusual bedroom requests we were made privy to…well, sometimes they’re a mouthful.

“This girl was blowing me and asked me to put my dick in a jar of Nutella and put it back in her mouth,” 35-year-old Kane tells But this sucker’s affinity for sweet spreads and cock isn’t what classified her request as weird and nasty. “She asked me to do it again but this time she wanted it up her ass,” he recalls. “I’ll spare you what happened next.” 

Whoa! Thanks for Nutella-ing us!

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