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February 2025

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Featured Article

Fucking Across the Aisle

Finding sexual compatibility with someone who has different political beliefs than you might seem like an unlikely prospect—but it can happen, even in this age of polarization.

There’s no doubt about it, there are deal-breakers in dating. Maybe the girl’s favorite music is anything by Kid Rock, or she can’t seem to form a sentence without saying “literally,” like literally every time she opens her mouth. And when you mention the classic sitcom Seinfeld—your absolute favorite show of all time—she says she never really understood the humor. She prefers Friends. BUZZZ! It’s hard in this situation not to just pay the check, wish her good luck and give her the sayonara treatment. Only the girl looks like a young Jennifer Aniston, and she probably fucks like a porn star. So you bear with it. After all, it’s not like you’re going to be forced to listen to lousy music if that Podunk Princess takes you home. And if you are, so be it. We often make concessions, especially when sex is on the line.

But can we ever be this forgiving when politics are involved?

It seems unlikely that two opinionated people with wildly opposing political views could ever be sexually compatible, much less manage to carve out any semblance of a meaningful relationship—especially in this era of bitter polarization. But sex experts say that these unions are, in fact, possible. As long as the couple can just shut up and fuck.

“Yes, of course, people can avoid the topic of politics and just keep their libidos and juices flowing in bed,” Dr. Patti Britton, PhD, certified sexologist and co-founder of, tells “But it really depends on how present the topic of politics has become in their lives.”

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This past election year, for example, probably made it difficult for people to get laid, since it was such a political war zone. (A global pandemic didn’t help much, either.) Having sex with the “enemy” is a lot harder when two presidential candidates are duking it out constantly on every media platform known to man.

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