Bits & Pieces

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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Vegas Vag

Vegas Vag

Screw the red carpet. Go for pink! We raided the hotel rooms and porn star hideouts at this year’s AVN Awards blowout to prove one thing: true talent can’t resist the...
High Roller

High Roller

HUSTLER: You worked on your “first real album,” NEON iCON, for two years. RiFF RAFF: Well, yes. I’ve never had an album in stores, so this is my rookie year. Once I drop that album, that’s Day One. You...
Porn from the Past

Porn from the Past

The consummate multitasker, Joan is seen here combining synchronized balling with bird-watching. Thanks to D.D. of Crescent, Iowa, for this vintage photo. Send your smut of yesteryear to: HUSTLER’s Porn From...

Banksters Are Not Our Only Option

“Epic in scale, unprecedented in world history.” That is how William K. Black—professor of law and economics and former banking regulator—describes the scams in which...

Affirmative Inaction

Just days before a recorded conversation with Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling established that racism is alive and well in America, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that racial discrimination in...
How HUSTLER Turned Me Into the Most Famous White Trash Whore In My Family

How HUSTLER Turned Me Into the Most Famous White Trash Whore In My Family

Twelve years ago I had the privilege of getting my boyfriend to fuck my ass in the middle of a desert, on top...
Neverending Panty Raid

Neverending Panty Raid

Attaining the dubious distinction of old fart ain’t bad if it means putting in 37 years at an extraordinary workplace. So kudos to Lady Luck, karma or an omni-unpresent deity’s master plan. I...
Why I Did It

Why I Did It

On February 26, 2014, a young activist made history when he stood up and interrupted the Supreme Court in the name of the American people. It was the court’s first protest in eight years and the first time...
Sleaze, Legalese & How to Hustle the Court

Sleaze, Legalese & How to Hustle the Court

On a sunny California day in 1998 I was home from college, visiting my mom and grandmother. We happened to be standing in the parking lot of the distinctive...
Nobel Gesture
Bits & Pieces

Nobel Gesture

Backed by a band wearing bright blue HUSTLER tees, Morrissey took center stage at the Nobel Peace Prize concert. Moz’s appearance sparked controversy in Norway, stemming from comments he made after...
Belle Knox

Belle Knox

Early this year the Duke University student body buzzed with a hot rumor: A bona fide hardcore starlet walked among them, meeting the school’s exorbitant tuition fees by fucking on-camera. After the...
Larry Shock

Larry Shock

HUSTLER’s early days are the stuff of legend, documented by reporters and acted out by Hollywood stars. A former top editor confirms that the real story is even crazier. He swears everything that follows...
Erecting an Icon

Erecting an Icon

Forty fucking years! As HUSTLER hits its ruby anniversary, we look back at nearly half a century of sex, insanity and the American Dream. Lock up your daughters and hang on tight. 1974: The first issue of...

Why I Dig Being in HUSTLER

As a reporter, historian, critic and columnist for more than 60 years, I’ve never wanted to write just for the choir—readers who always agree with me. The wider and more combative the...

Mr. Indecency

This is a fit time and place to mark the memory of one Charles Keating, the scoundrel who wanted to be remembered for having put Larry Flynt in jail. Instead, this holier-than-thou guardian of other people’s...
Greed Monsters, Inc.

Greed Monsters, Inc.

By now just about everybody knows that 1% of the population controls most of America’s cash and assets. Some says it’s a crime, others say it’s just capitalism. But the reality is, this country’s...
Below the Rust Belt

Below the Rust Belt

Ever wonder why that lap dancer grinding against your beer gut looks like she’s about to puke? Our reporter secretly worked a pole in one of the godforsaken corners of our great land in search of an...
Honest Until It Hurts

Honest Until It Hurts

Kyle Kinane stands in front of people and tells jokes. People laugh. His voice is the one on Comedy Central telling you what to watch. People do what he says. He’s a very powerful man. HUSTLER:...
From Science Geek to Bondage Freak

From Science Geek to Bondage Freak

Casey Calvert has always been a bad girl. Now she’s finally being punished—and she couldn’t be happier.  If you’re ever fortunate enough to be on a date with the...
Porn From the Past

Porn From the Past

Alice tackles the lead in This Ain’t Upstairs, Downstairs XXX. Thanks to D.D. of Crescent, Iowa, for this vintage photo. Send your smut of yesteryear to: HUSTLER’s Porn From the Past 8484 Wilshire Blvd.,...

America Or China?

Back in the 1950s and ’60s, when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was convinced that a huge number of citizens were engaging in “un-American” activities, free-thinking friends of mine became very careful of...