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NYE Hookups: The Pleasures and Pitfalls
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NYE Hookups: The Pleasures and Pitfalls

Looking to ring in the new year with a bang? Proceed with caution; hooking up on NYE can bring some serious headaches, and we’re not talking about the morning-after hangover.

New Year’s Eve is a night when everything seems possible. It’s the last hurrah of the year, a time when many of us will bid farewell to the past 12 months with the help of booze and foul-mouthed contempt. We also hope to uncover some semblance of a second chance and whoop it up before the cops show up and spoil the fun. The most common ambition in the year-end wrap-up is to get laid. Hey, New Year’s Eve is a time for dreams, which is why so many of us will venture out on December 31 with hopes of humping. Perhaps this is why NYE is considered the ultimate hookup holiday. Everyone and their uncle are on the town, getting slobbering drunk and going on the prowl for a set of legs (and what’s between them) that promises newfound excitement and better things to come, even if that means yakking up a bottle of cheap champagne while porking some random stranger in a bathroom stall.

It’s that kind of sleazy poetry that’s possible on New Year’s Eve, and the good news is that the odds are in your favor. Statistics show that 33% of women are more likely to wake up next to a stranger on New Year’s Day than any other time of year. And they’re not being overly cautious when it comes to their copulatory affairs. Sales of the morning-after pill reportedly increase by around 10% after the, ahem, ball drops, according to a report from Texas Tech University. That tiny pill is a woman’s last-ditch effort to ensure she won’t need a babysitter by the time NYE rolls around again next year. “The walk of shame is worse if you need to stop by the drug store on the way home,” Jenna, 36, tells, admitting that she’s been in that position before. “The techs all look at you like you’re the biggest slut in the world for asking for Plan B on a holiday. It’s awful.”

“My first time trying anal was on New Year’s Eve.”


Still, the propensity to pork the year away persists. After all, it’s a night when more ingrates, derelicts and average Joes than usual are on the loose, drinks in hand,  strutting around with a “new year, new me” attitude, throwing caution to the wind and opening themselves up to new sexual adventures—which often enough include butt stuff. “My first time trying anal was on New Year’s Eve,” says Camilla, 42. Happy New Rear, indeed!

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