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February 2025

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Nerdy & Flirty, Geeky & Freaky
Featured Article

Nerdy & Flirty, Geeky & Freaky

From entomology to mathematics, some of our favorite XXX performers share their egghead obsessions.

Oftentimes, we only get to see one side of our favorite performers and creators, yet there is so much more bubbling below their sexy online and onscreen identities—and sometimes it’s a geeky and nerdy side!

We spoke to a collection of starlets who have found the perfect combination in being both nerdy and flirty. From bugs to dead languages and even mathematics, these performers shared their passion for unlikely subjects with us. Keep reading, you just might learn something!

Madalynn Raye

Photo courtesy of Madalynn Raye

X: @MadalynnRaye

Entomologist Extraordinaire People are usually not fans of the creepy and crawly, but you’re different! What drew you into the world of bugs?

Madalynn Raye: My first memorable bug moment was when my dad handed me a huge praying mantis one evening, and we just kinda hung out together until some friends came over, and when I showed them the mantis, my friends shrieked and ran away. I was so confused, but also was more intrigued—why? What’s not to love about this bright green, phat-bottom girl with sickle hands? From then on out I was hooked, and wanted to know everything about every insect I encountered. There is always something to discover in the world of entomology.

Is there a particular insect you are simply not a fan of, and why?

Yellowjackets. They suck, they’re mean, they’re just dicks! I’ve been stung by more yellowjackets than bees or wasps combined, and it’s like they’re just intentionally assholes! I’m also apprehensive of super-large spiders, but I have respect for them. You stay on your web, I’ll walk around it… Meanwhile, you side-eye a yellowjacket, and it’s ready to fly in your face and sting you.

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