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March 2025

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My First Virtual Orgy
Featured Article

My First Virtual Orgy

With pandemic rules putting in-the-flesh sex parties on pause, an enterprising pervert enters the brave new world of online group action. 

The Disease Which Will Not Be Named is wreaking havoc in every corner of the globe, sparing no one, and I’m no exception. No, the virus hasn’t killed me … nor make me sick … hell, it didn’t even cost me my job. Still, I have suffered, most specifically when, during the quarantine, I was given an assignment to “attend” and review an online sex party. That’s right—I had to go to a fuckin’ orgy via video conference!

As a man of a certain age—not to mention a person with at least a shred of dignity—“going” to a video-conference orgy seemed to me like one shitty idea, an ignominious assignment if ever I heard one. I assumed it would devolve into me viewing a bunch of lonely dudes jacking off online. As it turns out, the party did include more than its share of solo gentlemen frantically spanking their individual monkeys on camera, myself included—and I enjoyed it. 

Hey, live and learn, as they say!

I assumed this “online sex party” would be a debacle—some Orwellian nightmare writ large, perhaps with robots fucking or Artificial Intelligence bots telling me to get on my knees—but in short order I discovered that even a virtual orgy includes the most important elements of any good scene.

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