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March 2025

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The Lays of Older Women
Featured Article

The Lays of Older Women

Good news, ladies; a new study has found that your sex drive doesn’t necessarily decrease with age—and it might actually increase! Read on for the MILF-tastic details.

MILF porn is so popular that it’s easy to forget there’s a widely circulated myth that women lose interest in sex as they age. Thankfully, a new study has found that this belief isn’t completely true. Ladies over 40 can and do desire and enjoy nice romps in the hay, as much as Rudy Guiliani enjoys “tucking in his shirt” around a “reporter” in a hotel room. 

“In contrast to prior literature reporting that the importance of sex decreases as women move through midlife, we found that, for a quarter of women, sex remains highly important to them throughout midlife,” says Dr. Holly Thomas, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh and the lead author of the research. 

In September, Thomas spoke at a meeting of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and shared data from her abstract, which is titled, “How Important Is Sex to Women During Midlife?” After analyzing more than 3,000 females, the study found women over 40 were broken up into three camps: About a quarter of them said sex was highly important, another quarter said sex was of little importance, and nearly half said that sex was important to them early in midlife but was less so later on. 

A wide array of positions, to be sure—and the findings are echoed in the mixed responses that received from the older women we spoke to. It seems that there’s no monolithic way that women’s sex drives are affected as they age. 

“My interest in sex is high, but for some of my friends, it’s low,” says an anonymous woman, 48, who did not participate in the study. “I’ve always been told that my sex drive would go down as I lost estrogen, but I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all diagnosis for women.”

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