Join us as we explore the complicated connection between housework and sexual arousal.
A beautiful woman in a French maid’s costume—a skimpy black dress, white apron and silk stockings—is a sensual sight for many. But according to a new study, domestic work can be a stone-cold clam-chiller in real life.
A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior polled 700 moms with live-in partners and found that women in long-term relationships lose interest in sex if they feel they are doing more chores than their male partners. That sense of waning desire in the face of housework can be attributed to the perception that the division of labor is unfair or that their partner is dependent on them.
These findings, no doubt, will be a buzzkill for guys who fantasize about a domestic goddess who’ll polish the silverware and spit-shine their cocks. But the truth is, the study’s outcome is echoed by at least one woman we spoke to.
“I resent having to work a 9-to-5 and then I come home and have to do the dishes and tidy up everyone’s messes,” Emily* tells “My husband and I have been married for eight years, and we barely have sex now. I don’t know if the lack of sex is because of my cleaning, but I do know that I’m tired and annoyed a lot of the time. Why do I have to clean while he can watch Netflix with the kids?”