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March 2025

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Photo courtesy of Leya Falcon
Featured Article

HUSTLER Legends: Leya Falcon

Welcome to HUSTLER Legends, a brand-new series where we celebrate and salivate over the living legends of adult entertainment. And what better way to get this party started than a fun chat with blond bombshell and hardcore Harley Quinn cosplayer Leya Falcon?

Leya’s energy, honesty and electrifying personality super-charge every scene she does. When the camera is on, there is no holding back or telling what might happen. Demure? Sure, but don’t let your guard down, even for a second, because this cuck queen has claws.

From her secret lair somewhere in sunny Las Vegas, Leya—who quite literally won an award for sticking an award up her butt—reflects upon the duality of (wo)man, her love/hate relationship with Chipotle and a career that, despite her many accomplishments to date, is only just getting started.

Photo courtesy of Leya Falcon Let’s start with your name—which, if I’m not mistaken, is a not-so-subtle nod to one of your favorite film dynasties.

Leya Falcon: One of my friends who passed away, [former Free Speech Coalition director] Bill Margold, was like a mentor to me. I would talk to him on the phone all the time, and when I was first starting out as a performer I asked him. “What do I call myself?” And he was like, “I have an idea. Since you love Star Wars so much, why don’t you go by ‘Leia’?” He said my last name should be “Falcon” because of the Millenium Falcon, but also because he said I have falcon-like eyes. So I thought, Sounds legit, and just went with it. But I changed the spelling to “Leya” in case George Lucas tried to sue me.

Well played. Once you dove into XXX, what was it like? 

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