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January 2025

Cover Honey Addis Fouche
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HUSTLER Classic: The Mother of All Layouts
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HUSTLER Classic: The Mother of All Layouts

Sure, these days, MILF porn is all the rage among horndogs eager to explore the sexual wonders of the motherly type. But leave it to HUSTLER to delve into that territory with unflinching passion decades beforehand, breaking fresh erotic ground by way of the birth canal. 

One could argue that, when the April ’76 HUSTLER was published, America’s Magazine was still in its relative infancy. But it was already giving birth to a number of innovative photo-spreads, including that issue’s “Motherhood,” the publication’s first pregnant feature. 

Swelling with admiration for the expectant female form, the pictorial made its case with both its bare-it-all photos and heart-racing prose. 

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