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February 2025

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Fart Fetishism: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas
Featured Article

Fart Fetishism: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas

For those with a sexual taste for toots, the phrase “blow it out your ass” takes on an arousing new meaning. 

Farts are many things to many people. Stinky, usually. Embarrassing, for someone who lets one rip at an inopportune moment. Even funny, for those whose sense of humor leans toward the puerile. 

And for a small but dedicated group of fetishists, a blast of ripe air gusting from a hot chick’s butthole can even be sexy. 

“Oh, I can totally pinpoint when my brain latched onto it,” says Brian, a tradesman from Southern California. “I was with my wife. We were really rushed one morning and sharing the bathroom. I was at the sink shaving and she had to use the toilet. Well, damn, she sat down and just let one rip. This was no cute, feminine little toot, let me tell you. This was a full-on explosive gasser. I could almost see the paint peeling off the walls.”

For Brian’s gassy spouse, the errant air biscuit was a source of embarrassment. But while her face might have flushed with shame, Brian felt his own blood suddenly rushing to his cock. 

 “I turned around and she sat there and sheepishly said, ‘Excuse me.’ I banged her right there on the bathroom floor,” Brain recalls gleefully. “I had no idea why that fart turned me on so much, but, brother, it sure did.” 

“Let’s face it, everyone toots…but women hardly ever talk about it in front of men. Tomboy girls will burp and fart—and these girls are way more fun than uptight ‘ladies,’ in some people’s view.” 

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