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Dating in XXX
Featured Article

Dating in XXX

Think it’s hard for you to find the right mate? Imagine trying to find a compatible partner when you’re a sex worker! Better yet, let our XXX-perts tell you all about it.

Finding that “special someone” is hard enough under any circumstances. Now imagine you’re a sex worker and are looking for someone who accepts, supports and values not just you, but your career. We asked a group of performers what their experiences have been like in the dating world, and their answers may just surprise you!

kameryn jade
Photo courtesy of Kameryn Jade Have you found that being in sex work makes finding a partner harder? 

Vicky Plush: Finding a partner is definitely hard as a sex worker because of the nature of what I do. Not every guy has the maturity to understand that this is a job and a lot of them are not okay with me having sex with other people. It’s also hard because this person is dating me on my private side, so if I decided to tell this person what I do, they will already know my real name, stage name and personal stuff. So if for some reason the situation doesn’t work, he has private information that can lead to doxing. It’s also hard because at this point in my life I don’t want to invest my time for free dating someone, because nowadays guys want to just hook up and have fun to later decide that I am not what he/they want. I got tired of that shit!

Curvy Mary: Honestly, no—because I fell into a relationship shortly after becoming single with someone who works in the industry but isn’t a talent. I wasn’t even looking, but it just happened organically as soon as we met.

Photo courtesy of Leya Falcon

Leya Falcon: Not only is it harder, it is damn near impossible, especially since I am pretty traditional outside of work and am not open to any open or poly relationship dynamics. If I can’t have a loyal partner, then I would rather stay single.

Kameryn Jade: Finding my partner wasn’t actually that difficult. We met at work and we both felt a magical connection immediately. My more difficult experiences came afterward. I have a Christian partner and we talked about my work for several hours. My partner keeps on saying that our worlds are “so far apart” that in the future we might drift too far apart from each other’s visions about living together. It was difficult for my partner to even come to terms with it.

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