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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Caught in the Act!
Featured Article

Caught in the Act!

It happens to everyone at some point—you’re happily banging away when someone (perhaps even a relative) walks in on you mid-thrust. Here’s how to handle one of the most embarrassing fucking situations to plague mankind.

When a couple gets caught with their pants down—and we’re talking quite literally—the initial reaction among sane people is typically a loud gasp, followed by either an uncontrollable outburst of laughter or an overwhelming sense of horror. It’s not natural for our friends and family to witness us in our most compromising positions. 

Still—and bear with me here—sometimes getting busted doing the deed can lead to bragging rights, not shame.

A roommate might come home early from work to find you balls-deep on the gaming chair with the cute waitress you’ve been lusting over for weeks. Sure, it’s slightly embarrassing (mostly for her), but also, “Fuck yeah, dude, get you some!”

On the flip side, not everyone who gets caught in the throes of passion has that high-five moment. Try looking dear ol’ mom in the eyes after she walks into your bedroom to put laundry away only to find your tongue buried halfway up the ass of some girl you went to church camp with.

Or what if it’s the other way around? Anyone who has ever walked in on their parents acting out a mating scene from Marty Stouffer’s Wild America will tell you (and their therapist over the next 12 years) that there’s no easy way to come back from that one. There’s too much shame, humiliation and triggered gag reflexes floating around the ether. It’s arguably best to just pack your bags and change families. We hear Paris is lovely this time of year.

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