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March 2025

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HUSTLER Classic: A Revolutionary Spread

America’s Magazine re-creates an especially important Christmas in American history. With the holiday season upon us, many of us are gearing up for a travel schedule that’s bound to be less than pleasant. Getting to the airport hours early. Enduring a soul-crushing security line that, best-case scenario, ends with a groping from a TSA goon...

’Tis the Season (to Support Sex Workers)

Looking for a worthy cause to contribute to this holiday season? We have some suggestions for helping out marginalized pleasure providers during this time of giving.  December is a tough month on the wallet. Not only are you obliged to drop a mint on presents for loved ones, but it’s also the “giving season”—and every...

HUSTLER Classic: Don’t Blow It

America’s Magazine delivers a powerful message about the perils of drug use. The 1980s had their share of anti-drug campaigns. There was the Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s “This Is Your Brain on Drugs” ad, with its egg-in-a-frying-pan metaphor that sparked numerous parodies. And the simplistic “Just Say No” campaign, championed by First Lady Nancy...