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October 2024

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Amigo the Devil: Crying at the Orgy
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Amigo the Devil: Crying at the Orgy

Meet Danny Kiranos, aka Amigo the Devil, a singer/storyteller who’s on a mission to challenge and entertain audiences while wringing triumph from trauma.

Danny Kiranos, the larger-than-life crooner also known as Amigo the Devil, has inspired rabid fans all over the world to follow him wherever he opts to strum his banjo. That flock is destined to grow with the release of his third full-length studio album, Yours Until the War Is Over. It’s a near-perfect record—somber, morose and at times absurd, with Kiranos borrowing the best of Tom Waits and Nick Cave to craft his own genre of sonic literature. After all, Kiranos is a storyteller, above all else—and sometimes quite the bawdy one, at that. (“‘Cause my face is a barstool, waiting for you,” Amigo howls in his anthem, “My Body Is a Dive Bar.”) recently caught up with Kiranos from his home in Nashville, Tennessee, to yak it up about the new album and myriad other topics. With a tequila-fortified Corona in hand, Kiranos assured us that everything in his world was still fine. What’s going on, Danny?

Danny Kiranos: Well, mostly just trying to get my life together

I recently saw you play at a festival, and one of the songs that stuck out for me was “Crying at the Orgy.” Tell me about that one. Is it autobiographical?

You know, partially. I’ve been writing a lot of songs based on somewhat joyous experiences gone wrong. And I love playing that one specifically, because it kind of sets people up to ease their way into this sweet little song, and then you hit them with a punchline. 

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