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March 2025

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Trump Is a Voter Fraud Criminal

The President, who describes absentee voting as “FRAUDULENT,” would certainly know. What is it about Republicans, Palm Beach and voter fraud? Pretending that there’s systemic voter fraud by Democrats, the Republican Party has gone all out to buttress voting restrictions that actually suppress perfectly lawful—not to mention predominantly Democratic-leaning—voters. I’ve reported on this con for...

Money From Nothing

The federal government’s financial response to the coronavirus proves that “debt and deficit” was always an excuse. For years politicians, pundits and the media told us America was broke. We can’t ensure healthcare to every American as a right, not a privilege. Too expensive! Who do you think we are—every other civilized nation on Earth?...

“A Cancer on the DOJ”

Once the coronavirus and Trump administration have passed, the disease infecting the Justice Department will still linger. When this nightmare ends, and it will, there is going to be a lot to restore beyond the death and economic devastation. Cleanup of the Trump Administration’s American carnage should begin with the rotting core of what was...