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April 2025

Featuring Ama Rio & Violet Voss
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HUSTLER Beaver Cole
I’m the biggest masturbator y’all will ever meet. God, I need cock!

About Cole

“Being naked makes me feel free, and I respect Larry Flynt,” trumpets Cole, 28, a “brave, ballsy, bi-curious and ambitious” MILF out of Lexington, Kentucky. “Then it dawned on me that I should be naked in his magazine. Thank you for allowing me to do it, Larry and Tex!” There’s more than meets the eye: “I enjoy going to movies, feeding ducks and squirrels and making those around me feel comfortable and laugh,” the 5-foot-4 Bluegrass Stater continues. “I enjoy the moments I have, so I hope that rubs off.” Cole—a fan of Impractical Jokers, Buffalo wings, Jason Aldean and Mariah Carey—certainly relishes getting off: “My favorite way is doggy while my hair gets pulled so I have to look back.Watching my boy toy’s face while I’m being fucked is priceless. I also love being skull-fucked, but I want to keep my asshole tight, so we don’t do anal a lot.” Looking back on a memorable caper, Cole relates, “We had sex in the front seat of my fiancé’s car in a Walmart parking lot with people walking around us. It was extra-enjoyable because there was the thrill of getting caught.” A larger venue will be required for Cole’s fantasy: “I’d like to be in a train of three or four girls eating each other, with one man in front, one man in back.”

Photos by Fiance


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