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When the Sex Goes on Too Long
Featured Article

When the Sex Goes on Too Long

Yes, believe it or not, it is possible to do too much boning. Here’s why it’s important to screw smarter, not harder (but still plenty hard, too).

Men often feel they have to be Olympic, gold medal-winning lovers to meet the demands of modern women. After all, long gone are the days when a guy could get away with being a little weak between the sheets and she, with only one cock on her résumé, wouldn’t know the difference. Women in 2023 are privy to what they need in the bedroom. So if a man, at least by his assessment, isn’t enthusiastically slinging his ding-a-ling for over an hour, she’s not going to be remotely close to satisfied. Anything short of mind-blowing, prolonged porking, complete with multiple orgasms, and she’ll inevitably snatch her panties off the floor and quickly move on to the next poor bastard—but not before posting about the horrendous affair on social media, forever damning him to a less than datable reputation. That’s what a lot of guys think, anyway.

“My man has literally gotten me off within a minute after sticking it in. What’s the point of continuing when everyone is happy? We’re very efficient.”


Talk to enough women, however, and you’ll find out that marathon muff-thumping simply isn’t necessary to bring them pleasure. Many are in favor of having more succinct sex lives. Sure, they might not be all that keen on boning a minuteman—the guy who’s blowing his load within seconds of crawling on top—but a 20-minute man might be acceptable, as long as he is taking care of the business at hand. “My man has literally gotten me off within a minute after sticking it in,” Stephanie, a 33-year-old real estate agent from Hebron, Kentucky, tells “What’s the point of continuing when everyone is happy? We’re very efficient.”

Plenty of women have grievances when it comes to the manmade concept suggesting that sexual duration equals quality. They don’t necessarily enjoy being shacked up with the kind of big-dick cowboy who can ride his horse all night long without stopping to give it a drink of water. They argue that, while the sex they’re having with their chosen partner is enjoyable, it often ends up being such a long, drawn-out process that it starts to more closely resemble an erotic version of Gone With the Wind than anything within the scope of pleasure. The Civil War itself didn’t last as long. “I would be perfectly content with anything under 30 minutes—and that’s foreplay, sex, the whole shebang,” declares Nikki of Panama City, Florida. “My boyfriend can go forever, and I always end up raw after the fact no matter how much lube we use.”

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