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February 2025

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Featured Article

When Fuck-It Lists Go Wrong

Most of us have a mental checklist of sexual feats we’d like to accomplish before going to the grave, but beware—reality often falls short of what we were hoping for. Read on for some cautionary tales.

Most of us have made a fuck-it list. We’ve all sat down at one point and written down all of the sloppy, nasty, borderline despicable sexual endeavors we’d like to get into before the great goon in the sky rips us from the planet forever. Similar to a bucket list—where a person might want to jump out of an airplane or visit the Great Wall of China before the Grim Reaper bones them in the ass—a fuck-it list, more often than not, reveals a deep-seated desire for threesomes, butt plugs, gay-stuff or pee play; any sexual activity, really, that the average person doesn’t normally get the opportunity to engage in. 

For some, the chance to check something off this list only comes around once in a lifetime, so they often seize the moment without giving much thought to the potential aftermath. Oh yeah, make no mistake about it—those fuck-it list fantasies can go south pretty darn quick. 

Tiffany, a 45-year-old dental assistant from Dayton, Ohio, didn’t even imagine a fuck-it list until later in life. After marrying young, Tiffany began feeling the urge to sow her wild oats after hitting 40.  

“I never really slept around when I was younger, and I felt like I had missed out on something,” she recalls.

Tiffany loves her husband. She wasn’t interested in filing for divorce, she just wanted to get some strange dick. “I don’t like the idea of cheating,” she said. “I didn’t know what else to do, so I asked him for an open marriage.” 

Although hubby wasn’t too keen, at first, about Tiffany sleeping with other men, she says he warmed up to the idea once he realized the arrangement meant that he could get some side action too. 

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